electric guitar.

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[1988, implied smut]

Michael didn't know what is was, but there was something attractive about you in the studio, especially when you're really focused on doing something specific like layering vocals, or producing instrumentals, or playing the guitar

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Michael didn't know what is was, but there was something attractive about you in the studio, especially when you're really focused on doing something specific like layering vocals, or producing instrumentals, or playing the guitar. especially the electric guitar. you both were once again working late at night, trying to finish up a song.

he watched as you focused on the monitor before you, arranging and comping recorded vocals. your lower lip was trapped between your teeth and your head rested in the palm of your hand, you wore one of his many varsity jackets; a red and white one that said 'JACKSON 58' on the back and had a little black fedora embroidered in the front.

it was one of the many of the jackets he made sure you wore when you were out in public, just reminding everyone that you were his. "fuckin' hell" you cursed underneath your breath, you and Michael had recorded way too many harmonies for a song you were working on, you got carried away while recording and now you were trying to make sure that everything sounded perfect.

the leftovers of your makeup was your lipstick, and it was basically gone because you and Michael have a problem with keeping your hands off of each other. there was lip marks all over Michael's cheeks, lower jaw and neck, thankfully it was just you two in the studio today. "sing for me" Michael quitely said, "hm?" you ask looking at him.
he looked so pretty with lipstick all over him.

"sing for me!" he smiled as picked up your electric guitar and handed it to you, the guitar was red, white and black. it  was covered in writings in sharpies and stickers from going on tour with you every time. you chuckled as you knew exactly where this is going. the curls that framed his face failed to hide his twinkling eyes, they held so much love in them.

"what song do you want to hear?" you ask as you plug in your guitar. "the one you showed me yesterday" he said as he sat one the floor, you sit next to him but he brings you closer to him. "no, c'mere" he said pulling you in his arms, you sit with your back against his chest and he wraps his arms around your waist as you begin to play.

"crawlin' back to you, ever thought of call in' when you had a few, cause I always do" you sang and Michael swayed you side to side, "maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new, cause i'm falling through, crawlin' back to you" you continue. Michael began slowly and gently kissing up your neck but you ignore it for a bit and continue singing, he tightens his grip around your waist and you stop when his kissing becomes too distracting.

"are you gonna do this every time?" you ask sigh a small smile, "do what?" Michael mumbles against your neck, you place your guitar on the floor and turn to face him. "we need to wrap this song up, Mikey" you say as you stare at his lips, "we can finish it up anytime we want" he says leaning in but you hold his face in place, "we only have one more day, and you do this every time we're in here" you try to talk him back into work. "ain't my fault you're this pretty" he smiles as he leans in.

Michael kisses you and you land on your back on the floor, it was already too late in the night for you to worry about waking up early tomorrow. you had long forgotten about the song, you were more focused on the man on top of you, your lip pushed and pulled against Michael's as his hands were tangled in your hair.

you sat back up, not breaking the kiss. Michael's hands slid down your back landing on your hips, you slowly began grinding on him, Michael gripped on your hips as a whimper left his lips. it was his turn to lay on the floor, you pull away, breathless before kissing him again, your hands are on his shoulders and his on your waist.

"y-y/n" he whimpered, you moved down and began kissing his neck. you were careful as to not leave any hickeys, leaving the studio meant being seen in public. "please" he mumbled, "stop doing that" you say, "I don't wanna mark you up", he let out a breathy giggle. "i-it's fine, do whatever you want to me, there's a scarf here somewhere".

it wasn't long after that Michael was on the chair you were on before with you on top of him. the kissing never stopped, his brown and white neck was now spotted with purple and pink hickeys. "do something.." you mutter against his lips, "let's go home" he eagerly says. as you both get up and you fix your clothes while Michael looks for the scarf his hide his neck.

you heart is still beating fast when Michael asks if the scarf is covering him up well, what's left of your lipstick was smeared around his lips and you giggle as you wipe it off of him.
"whatever happened to finishing up the song?" Michael teases as you leave the studio, hand in hand. "that song can fucking wait"

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