burnt caramel.

379 11 8

episode two || OBVIOUS.

As everyone walks through the jet's bridge, you can clearly tell the 'little joke' was making its rounds throughout the family as they all kept looking back at you and Michael and giggling like children

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As everyone walks through the jet's bridge, you can clearly tell the 'little joke' was making its rounds throughout the family as they all kept looking back at you and Michael and giggling like children. wow, this feels like high school.

The number of seats was small since it was a private jet, maybe ten or eleven. you had all the time in the world sit down and get comfortable, but everyone around you seemed to have quickly settled down in their not so designated seats, that's when you noticed; the siblings had left the last two seats empty.

It was just you and Michael left standing, those last seats were for you. you glance over to Janet and Jermaine who were clearly suppressing their laughter, could they be more obvious?

"window or isle?" Michael asks, he opens the overhead cabinet to place your bags and when he pulls his bag up, his bicep flexes. hm...


"isle!" you quickly answer, "well, if you don't mind of course.." you mumble the last part and Michael huffs, "who's plane is it?" he asks and you mumble a "right". you both sit down and you stare out the window as the plane begins the takeoff process.

Michael had fallen asleep almost immediately, and you could hear some snoring coming from the front. you wanted to go and check up on the rest but you didn't want to wake up Michael by shuffling around. you tilt your head sideways as you crack your neck, your whole body felt stiff since you've been sitting here for so long.

Michael's head kept tipping sideways and to the front, he was quietly snoring and his lips were slightly parted. you felt bad for him, he was truly a performer, tour must've killed him considering how much he's been sleeping recently. you gently press your hand against his head and pull him down to your lap, you fix his blanket and pull it over him. softly, your pat on his hair and rub his back.

a loud gasp makes you look up, Janet, Marlon, Jermaine and Latoya were loudly whispering while pointing at you and Michael. oh, so you can't live? that's what is it?

you sigh and look out Michael's window. it wasn't that long after that your eyes began feeling heavy, you reclined your seat a bit and closed them. a quick nap won't hurt.

you woke up to someone lightly tapping your shoulder, you look up confused and notice a flight attendant. "sorry to wake you up miss Y/l/n, what would you like to eat, meat or the vegetarian dish?" she politely ask. you inhaled and rubbed your eyes, "I'll have the meat" you say, voice low. "beef or chicken?" she asks, "uhm.." you mumble and look down at Michael who was still sleeping, "the chicken's okay, thank you" you say.

she hands your food and awkwardly stands there, considering whether or not she should wake up Michael too. you noticed her fidgeting with her hands and quickly said, "he's vegetarian. don't worry, I'll wake him up"
you sat there holding both dishes in your hands for maybe five minutes before you decided to wake him up. "Michael" you whispered, he didn't move. "Michael, my hands are burning"

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