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[1982, angst]

Michael chewed on his bottom lip as he watched you read your lines from the large script book in your lap

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Michael chewed on his bottom lip as he watched you read your lines from the large script book in your lap. he silently admired your face as you looked down at the book, the sunlight that seeped through the library's large window highlighting your side profile and hair. your iris appeared lighter and it looked like there's a halo above your head.

"baby?" you look at him and he seems completely zoned out, "Michael?" you tap on his knee and he looks at you with a hum. "I asked if you can pass me the pencil next to you" you say and he looks at the table next to him noticing the pencil you mentioned, he handed it to you. you continued reading, beginning to underline important lines and Michael quietly sighed.

"I need you in the studio tomorrow" he suddenly said and you look at him confused, "what?" you ask, "why?". Michael looks at the ceiling, "I need to uh, write something with me" he answers and you shake your head, "baby, I've already wrapped up all my music related work last week. I have to focus on becoming my character because we start filming literally tomorrow" you divert your attention back to the script.

Michael kisses his teeth, nodding when he looks away.

Metro Goldwyn Mayor recently announced that you will be taking up the role of Adrianna Balboa for the upcoming Rocky Balboa movie, and Michael couldn't be any happier for you, he wanted to you to show the world that you have more than just the talent for singing. however, there's one thing that he doesn't like.

your co-star Sylvester Stallone.

well, not Sylvester himself. he's met him and he's truly a great guy, a real gentleman and he seemed to like you. really like you. Michael didn't care that Sylvester liked you, he knew tons of men who wanted you - some of which he personally knew - but the problem is that no one knew you and Michael were together.

you and Michael had to stay single in the eyes of the public because as two young and rising stars, you'd be a lot more "desired" if you remained single.

Michael's problem is that you and Sylvester were going to be in really close proximity, you were going to be playing husband and wife.

husband and wife.

husband and wife.

"how are you and uhm.. Sylvester getting along?" Michael asked, then you smiled, and Michael felt the sparks of jealousy in his chest.

"I like him!" you admitted making Michael look away from you, "he's seems like such a sweetheart honestly, and he's really funny. he also just seems like a really cool person, you know people who are just cool?" you talked and Michael was barely listening, "I wanna be friends with him!" you smile and Michael was blinded by jealousy.

Michael sat there, marinating in his own jealous rage as he let his insecurities and fears surrounding your relationship get to him.

he never felt insecure in your relationship, but he was just afraid.

he was afraid that being in fake love might lead to you being in real love. Sylvester was a fairly attractive man, he was a lot taller than Michael, and significantly more muscular than him, Michael was confident that Sylvester was one hundred percent secure in himself and had no issue with the way he is or hated how he looked the way Michael did. Michael was just assuming, he didn't know, but he straight up envied the guy.

you silently observed Michael's behaviour and the way he was talking, an almost invisible smirk on your face. "you'll burst a vein if you get any more jealous" you chuckle looking at his hand which was gripping the arm of the chair he was sitting on. his eyes meets yours and his grip on the chair loosens up, "w-what?" he asked, "'m not jealous" he looked out the window.

you laugh, "baby I know you better than I know my own discography, I can tell when you're jealous" you close the script book setting it aside. Michael sighs, "I know I sound obsessive" he began, "but I don't want anyone to ever even begin to think that they can have you" he says looking at you and you bite your lip as you stand and walk towards him.

"you know you're the only one I want right?" you ask and he nods, "I know." Michael pushes his hips outwards getting more comfortable in his seat, "and you know that i'm completely in love with you, right?" you ask and he nods again, "I know, darlin'" he places his hand on your hip pulling you closer to him.

"then why the jealousy?" you ask and Michael shrugs. "I just don't like to think that other men can think that what's mine can become theirs" he explains and you giggle, "I'm always gonna be yours" you turn around giving him your back, then sitting in the space between his legs. Michael wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your back against his chest as he begins to kiss your neck. you close your eyes and smile at how your boyfriend can be sometimes.

Michael holds you tighter continuing to kiss your neck, and when he reaches left side of your neck, he uses his teeth to lightly bite your skin then sucking on the delicate flesh, making your breathing get faster. "what're you d-doing?" you ask and he sucks on your skin harder, "M-michael.." you breathlessly mutter.

he pulls away from you, kissing your cheek as you open your eyes. you run your fingers over the spot on your neck knowing there will be a hickey there, "don't cover it up with makeup or anything" Michael says, "let it be a reminder that you belong to me, that you're mine."

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