blue flame.

745 13 3

[1985, obsession, naïvety, fluff]

"Y/n, look at me" Michael caressed your cheek, your hands were slightly shaking and your lip trembled as opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out

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"Y/n, look at me" Michael caressed your cheek, your hands were slightly shaking and your lip trembled as opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. you and Michael were at your home studio, supposed to be producing a song together; but Michael had other ideas.

Michael Jackson has had a raging obsession with you the moment he was introduced to music. from the first moment he saw you on t.v to the moment he saw you live at one of your concerts, his love for you continued to grow. there's nothing, not one thing that you can do to make him dislike you. Michael was in love with you, head over heels.

he's obsessive and he loves really hard.

he knew every single thing about you, from your favourite colour to how often you change your phone number and how many pillows you sleep on. he memorised every last one of your songs and has room dedicated to his personal Y/n Y/l/n collection; all of your albums, vinyls, tapes, movies, posters, photos, cardboard cutouts, products you've advertised, products from brands that have you as their ambassador, every last thing.

Michael couldn't get enough of you, he knew that someday and somehow he'll have to make you his. he must, and the day has clearly come. "I can make you so happy" he kissed down your neck, Michael had you perched up on his lap, arms wrapped tightly around your waist. your cheeks reddened as you tried to look away from him, but his hand forced your face towards his making his eyes meet yours.

he's always made you nervous. the way he softly talked you, how he gently touched you and how affectionate he was towards you, it was so nice knowing that someone in this industry genuinely cared for you. you adored Michael, he made you feel special and gave you all his attention, he'd spend hours and hours out of his insane schedule talking to you and spoiled you absolutely rotten.

"I can't let anyone else have you" he looked deep into your eyes, "I need you Y/n" he says making heat rush to your face, "I-..." you began, "Michael..", and he pulls you closer to him resting his chin on your shoulder, "say my name again" he demanded, "M-michael" you mutter, "again." his eyes never left yours.

"Michael" you say and he pulls your leg over his placing you right on top of him, he holds your hands guiding them to his shoulders as you straddled him. Michael leaned up towards you and connected your lips in a kiss, leaving you breathless, he kissed you with so much passion as he slid his tongue between your lips causing you to let out a small whimper. Michael smirked against your lips.

you wanted him. you wanted him so bad it sometimes brought tears to your eyes, no one could love you the Michael does, you knew that and Michael always reminded you. no has could be a gentle as he was, as caring as he was and as loving as he was. no one was better for you than him, Michael would give up everything to see you smile, to know that you're happy and healthy.

he would do anything.


"I want you" you mumble not looking at him, Michael smiles and says "look at me", and you force yourself to look at him. his chocolate brown doe eyes stare deeply into yours, "what is it baby?" he asks, a smooth smirk plays on his lips as he runs his large hand up and down your back in a soothing manner. "I w-want you" you stutter and Michael smiles.

"you already have me." he began, "you have every last breath in my lungs and every tear in my eyes, every heart beat and every word that comes out of my mouth. everything I do is for you, every little thing. look at you" he trails a finger down your cheek, "I would kill for you, I would die for you, either way, my love for you is endless" he says then kisses your forehead.

"I'm all yours then" you smile as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in a hug. Michael closes his eyes, breathing in your scent tightly hugging you. he finally has you, you're going to be his forever.

together at last.

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