Anthem of the Free

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"Ready?" Annabel Jackson asks me, her long white blond hair cascades to her waist and has streaks of red and blue on the tips. She is beautiful, her eyes are so blue they could be mistaken as the ocean. She reminds me of my mother, tall leggy figure and head held high no matter what the situation. I nod and place the recording headphones over my ears. My speech written by Alix is held before me.
Annabel looks to Legion, the tall dark haired man who is powerful in stature and has a forceful voice. He grins and winks at me, this gesture is meant to calm my palms which are slick with sweat but it only has the opposite effect. The light above the door turns from white to red.
"Look alive sunshine it's 139 in the sky but your radio won't quit, it's Freedom Legion and this is your daily radio broadcast. Today is a very monumental day. Recently we discovered a true legend's descendent. As it is September Eleventh we will take a moment of silence for those who died in 2001, 2015 and for those in the future." Legion begins with his introduction and takes several deep breaths for the moment of silence. This moment of silence hits me hard in the face. It has been exactly a year since my father and brother's executions.
"We all remember the true American who died in front of the entire world. His last words were awfully memorable. He had used all of his strength after being beaten bloody and watching his son get shot down as a traitor to America and told us, the people, to never surrender to them. This man was called many things but mostly a hero. His name was Nolan Williams." Legion takes a breath and glances over at me, I nod once and nervousness has taken over again. I am about to speak in front of my entire country and I am going to tell them that I am going to get back the United States of America. I feel the weight of the world compressing down upon my shoulders.
"On this monumental day I am proud to inform you of a recent discovery. We all knew that Nolan Williams had five children with his wife and we know that almost all of them are dead. Murdered by the Soviets. He had a daughter. One who was hidden away from the world in a small town. Her name is Lexington and she is alive." Legion looks to me and it is his turn to nod and give me a double thumbs up.
"Good morning America" I say and clear my throat. "I am Lexington Williams and I have vowed to restore freedom to the nation," I say reading the script of the speech. A flash of an image of my laughing father who died unwillingly and rebelliously. He who told us all to stay strong and never surrender. I crumple up the script and speak from the heart.
"I promise right here right now I won't let you down. I will uphold my father's name and make certain that my entire family did not die in vain. We must join together and be united in order to take back the power and crush the castle. We must fight against these mindless drones who know nothing about life and love. We will bring the freedom colors and sing ourselves a new song. We must never back down. We must never surrender. And we will not forget." I speak with as much passion and energy as I can, I am standing by the end, my voice just above a whisper. "Raise the red flag for me" breathing heavily I see the shock on Alix's face and the dread within his eyes. He shakes his head at me and begs me not to say the next words.
"War is what they want, war is what they'll get. But remember this; we are free. We have the power to use whatever weapon we wish. Art. Art is the weapon for free people. We will have a creative fight and fight we will. Our war will be imagination as our ammunition." I say the last part slowly and deliberately; taking my time to drill every word into the ears of the enemy. "Let the game begin."
Legion cuts the feed and plays the national anthem, the broadcast is over.

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