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Author's note: Thank you all for the support of my first D.Gray-man crossover with beauty and the beast that was just completed last week. So I hope you will enjoy this new one :) Also a massive thank you to my beta Hanashi o suru

Disclaimer: I do not own D. Gray-man if I did Allen would be the heart and Lvellie wouldn't be a bastard to Allen that also includes Marian Cross.

Warning: Mentions of second character death

Millenia ago, when God created the world, He also created a substance called Innocence. Those who possessed a shard, would gain special abilities that allowed them to fight against a clan of darkness. Those individuals were Noah, and while Innocence could in fact destroy them, they could destroy Innocence. A never-ending war of light and darkness.

A war that remains unknown to the general populace. Behind the scenes, there have been men and women who fought to keep the evil forces at bay. To keep life peaceful to those unaware of the thousands-years' war.

That is but the prologue, as this story begins with a small boy in a graveyard. A small boy who had lost his world in the blink of an eye, and whose world would change greatly because of one fateful meeting.

Crying at the grave marker where his beloved father rests, a young child with red hair is more than hysterical over his sudden loss. "M-Mana, Mana don't go! P-Please...d-don't leave me a-alone!"

Unbeknownst to the little boy, there was a creature preying upon his sorrow. It would be child's play for the demon to manipulate one with such a grief-stricken expression.

I can use this boy to create the perfect Akuma.

He then appeared before the child, squatting in favor of being eye-to-eye with the tiny human. "My dear child~" He cooed, "I can help bring your father back~."

Startled, silver eyes snapped up, before he turned to face the one who had appeared behind him. "Wh-who are you?" The small voice hiccupped.

"Someone who can bring you back your dearly departed father~" A metal skeleton was summoned out of what the innocent child could only have guessed was thin air. He remained silent. "All you have to do is say his name and he will brought back to life."

Back to life...? The little boy looked at the man in disbelief, confusion and in his eyes distrust.

"I see the uncertainty, little boy, but I can assure you that by calling the name of your beloved, you can bring them back to strings attached~"

A part of him felt there was more to it. That he shouldn't do as this strange person told him. But greater part of him desperately wished to see his father again...

Without further prompting, the little boy stood on shaky legs, and walked to the immobile metallic skeleton. He fidgeted with his hands, before gulping. Taking a breath, he inhaled, and with he could muster, shouted from the top of his lungs, the name of his lost father.

"MANA!" A bold of light shot down from the heavens, hitting the skeleton, and making it glow. The name of 'Mana' was engraved unto the forehead of the eyeless frame, and a pentagram made itself visible just under it.

"W...what...? A-Allen..."

"M-Mana?" The boy, Allen as the spirit of his father had called him, had taken a step closer to the animated puppet. For unknown to this child of pure innocence, was exactly what his father had become. "Mana, i-is it really you?"



"C-curse you...CURSE YOU FOR TURNING ME INTO AN AKUMA, ALLEN!" It happened before Allen could blink. Mana's arm came down in one fell swoop, knocking the child down. The pain over his left eye remained unregistered to the boy, as fear was the only thing he could truly feel in that moment.

The man watching the scene play out, only cackled, "I order you to kill this boy, and use his body as yours."

"!" Mana struggled to regain control, but his efforts were futile. He unwillingly took steps forward, his arms ready to end the life of his dear child.


"" Kill...him...? As though answering to what Mana begged for, Allen's arm began to glow and grow. The veiny red appendage changed from that to a smoother surface, red fading out until only white remained. A large white claw replaced the small fragile arm, the strange green crystals that Allen always had were glowing with an eerie luminous glow.

Mana was thrown with the brute force of the arm with a mind of its own. "N-NO! STOP!" Allen pleaded with his arm. "MANA RUN AWAY!"

The Akuma didn't do as asked, but in the child's mind's eye, he could almost see his father smiling sadly. "I love you."

It was over before Allen realized what had happened.

In the background, the man was sneering. Innocence. That child could become an Exorcist...he would tactically retreat for now. It didn't, however, mean that a new scheme wasn't already forming within his mind. There was a hunch in the back of his which seemed to have made the Maker believe this boy had something he was looking for.

He faded away as though he were never there.

When everything was said and done, the shock and trauma had changed the boy's hair from its rusty red to a pure snow white. His eyes became red and puffy from all the crying he had done. He fell asleep against his father's grave.

"A fate he doesn't need." Muttered a red-headed man as he entered the scene. His only visible crimson eye looked to the boy's let arm, which was still invoked, long after the danger had been dealt with. "What do you think, Timcanpy?"

From on his hat, he could feel a rounded body shift before flying off his head, the large golden ball was roughly the size of a basketball, with a cross on its face, and golden downy wings rested behind twin horns where its head is assumed to be. The man raised his arm to allow the Golem to land in a new spot. Its stubby legs awkwardly landing on its new post.

"There's no way around it then." He sighed, before kneeling before the sleeping child.

This boy had the potential to finally end the war no one asked for. Tucked into his arms, he took the sleeping child to the main Headquarters...and it would be there this child would gain two guardians to protect and watch over him.

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