Chapter 10: The Rewinding Town Arc Part one

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Author's note: Sorry it's been a while, since my last update I got myself a new laptop since my other one was borrowed by my older sibling and if you have read my previous update, my private life went a bit hectic and such. I want to say thank you to my best friend Hanashi for being my beta and accepting my crap of writing! x) And for those who are in Ukraine please know that all of us are on your side and we are sending our prayers and thoughts to you all. And if any of you need a place to stay you are more than welcome to mine.

My social media handles:

Twitter: @RoseRozu1

Tumblr: @RoseRozu22


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It was nearing mid-morning in a town located somewhere within Germany where a young woman with pale skin and dark circles around her eyes was having one of her daily panic attacks. She wore her brown hair in a tight bun constantly and wore a dress that could best be described almost like the type of clothes that an academy teacher might wear. The overall look made her look more so like a woman in her forties, rather than the early twenties she actually was.

And the daily panic attack, you ask? Normally, it's because the same thing happened each and every the point of her frustration getting the better of her each time it occurred. Now, saying it happened every day would be generous. She would go to bed hoping for tomorrow, but end up with yet another 'today' that point, she had a rather dull, repetitive life since the original day this all started...wasn't it supposed to be next month by now? Miranda Lotto had honestly lost count of how many 'days' have actually passed.

Off topic again...she should really have her focus on what's currently happening...which was her being pressed against the wall by her a being that looked like a hybrid of human and machine. It sounded as such too, "Where is the innocence?" The monster demanded.

"I-I don't know wh-what you're t-t-talking about!" The panicked German woman managed to squeak out.

Another voice – this one younger, and definitely human – spoke with a noticeable British accent to their voice, "I suggest you let her go."

Miranda managed to look towards where the voice came from, and saw a figure with white waist length hair which was half-up in a high bun. It was styled with red and white rose clips, keeping most of his hair out of his face, while a ribbon tied around the bun kept it in place. The strange youth was wearing a long black coat which hid his clothing beneath it. The coat itself had a crest over where his heart rested, but it didn't look like any school uniform insignia that she'd ever seen before. Academy or otherwise.

The boy – because she was fairly certain it was a boy with the way his voice sounded – was accompanied by another, who she only really noticed once she was able to turn her head with the limited motion she was able to, given her circumstances. She could make out blond hair, and a stern expression. She thought she can make out a dark uniform of some sort, but couldn't see much in detail from where he stood.

Either way, it was another difference in 'today'...could it be...? Was it possible that 'today' was finally 'tomorrow'?

"How cruel Akuma are," The voice that spoke this time was that of an older man, "taking an innocent with little to nothing to do with what you're hoping to find. How despicable." He was fully out of her range of sight, as her captor began squeezing her windpipe to the point of it being too difficult to breathe. Her attention was back on the monster before her.

But there was a person that caught the woman's eye standing protectively behind the young boy. The woman described him as a Cardinal with lightly-colored hair and glasses. With the glare of his lenses, there was no real way to determine the man's eye color. He bore the same black cassock seen on the other Central Vatican officials that he presumably arrived with but does not wear the clerical collar, having only a rosary hanging around his neck.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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