Chapter 8: Tombstone of memories

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Author's note: I want all of you to be distracted from the virus and I hope all of you are staying safe, and please listen to your government's advice. (If this chapter gets posted sometime this year(>y<)) Love from the United Kingdom! X If you have any questions you can find me on:

Twitter: @RoseRozu1


And a massive thank you to Hanashi noona (It means big sister in Korean)

Update 26/06/2020: To people from the U.K I understand that England is no longer on lockdown and instead of the two meter rule you are having the one meter rule but please bear in mind that Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are still strict regarding lockdown and therefore, please don't come to Wales or in any other country that are still in lockdown if you ever want to get fined or worse put in prison and don't put on ILLEGAL parties either! Thank you kindly

Update 28/12/2020: My lovely beta Hanashi finished her edits back in November and unfortunately I have a scatter brain which caused me to forget to update gilded bird (and that I've playing on my switch. That reminds me how do you all like the LOZ game). Oh and I hope you all enjoyed Christmas. And I'll see you all in the New Year.

Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide by hanging, animal death and employment of underage and Disability abuse.

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"Miss, what do you mean by your father?" Jean asked.

"Jean, when I was around your age, I lost someone so dear to me... my adoptive father named Mana."

"Walker!" Link said as he pushed Allen protectively behind him. "You don't have to say anything about your past!"

"No I want too, Link...or rather, I think I should."

. . - * - . .

A very young child was seen walking around the circus and holding his paralyized left arm. To say the youth was annoyed, would perhaps be the largest understatement of the decade, if not just his life as a whole. Of course, it had only been just the tip of the iceberg for his current problems that life always seemed to enjoy giving the unfortunate street urchin. He blew his rusty-brown hair out of his eyes, only for it to fall exactly where it had originally.

"This fucking arm of mine," He was seething, not for the first time as his right hand's grip tightened around the unfeeling limb it was clinging to, "my bloody parents left me after I was born and I can't even hold a fucking job! Because. Of this. God-forsaken. ARM!" Younger Allen -- Or 'Red', as many have chosen to call him back then -- shouted loudly. How many jobs have been taken from him just because of either his age, or his demonic limb? Hell if he knew, he didn't know how to count past five, and even that was a miracle all on its own for someone of his current status.

Lost in his raging thoughts, he didn't notice he was going to trip over something. A rock hidden in the untamed grass. He screamed in surprise as he lost his footing, and groaned the moment he face planted into the ground. This was not his day.

For a brief moment, he wondered if he should just remain there, and let the earth just eat him. While it would solve the issue of his existence, it wouldn't have gotten the job done anytime soon. He would live another day, it seemed.

As he started to get up, he soon noticed a man holding onto some kind of rope and placing it on the tree while making a knot. It appeared that his fall hadn't alerted the weird man of his presence, so he called out to the adult, more so out of curious boredom, than anything else, "What are you doing mister?"

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