Chapter Three: The black order

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Author's note: Hello everyone I hope you all enjoyed the two first chapters. I'm sure you've noticed some similarities from the anime and manga. The reason for that being it's based on canon but as you all of we are aware funimation hasn't fully finished all of the first anime but are in the process of doing it. So there may be a couple of episodes later in the fic that are not yet aired so there may be spoilers but for now fellow readers there is no need to worry. I also want to say a massive thank you to my wonderful beta Hanashi o suru. It also took me two days to make this chapter. Half a day to write the notes and the orginal summary of the chapter and episode and half of my evenings and mornings to type the story.

Disclaimer: See prolouge

"This is the Black Order, huh?" Allen asked Link. It was...darker than he imagined it...not like he didn't already imagine it to be a rather dark place. To be frank, this was gothic dark to the silver-eyed boy. On the other hand, something about it seemed...nicer than his orginal prison cell. How was the possible?

The duo had made their way into the Order where they were currently walking along the side path of the canal that had an occasional boat going in and coming out. "Stay close, I don't need to lose track of you, before we get to the Supervisor here."


"He's...eccentric." Link explained, "He's the head of this Branch, though how he could've possibly made it to his current position baffles my mind."

"How so?"

"Walker, it's easier for you to see what I mean." Link decided, and they continued to walk in silence.

"How big is this place?"

"Larger than what you're used to, but it shouldn't be too difficult to..." Link trailed off, stopping suddenly, the action caused Allen to bump into his guardian, as he wasn't prepared the suddenness. "Then again...this is you we're talking about."

"Hey!" The younger pouted. "I don't get lost."

"Prove me wrong, and I'll get you more Dango than you can possibly eat."


. . - * - . .

Fifteen minutes later, saw the young Exorcist lost. He only stopped for a second, Timcanpy having drifted from its place on his head, not wanting a repeat in London, Allen had given chase to his golden Golem.

He assumed Link had been following him, he assumed the older was eventually going to shout at him to get back over to his side. But he never did. Would Allen had noticed regardless? Perhaps not, as he was completely preoccupied with trying to catch Timcanpy.

He never realized he had gotten separated from Howard Link.

"Tim! C'mon, get back here!" Allen called out, only to be met with empty space when he made to grab his mischievous companion. "Jeez!"

If Golems could laugh, Allen was more than certain that Timcanpy was cackling up a storm.

"Not funny." Silver eyes looked around, thinking he'd see his Guardian near him, only for him to become frantic as he realized he didn't have Link around him. "L-Link? Link! Uh-oh..."

Timcanpy was smug.

Allen was almost petrified. "M-maybe if we go the way we came...?" He said, only to head in the incorrect direction he was meant to go.

. . - * - . .

"Oh, Inspector, what brings you here?" The pleasantries were there, but Link knew he wasn't exactly as welcome.

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