Chapter7: That Which Calls Out Disaster

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Thank you, everyone, for the amazing support you've been giving me for the D. Gray-man AU. In this chapter, we finally get to see the Earl, also I want to give my beta Hanashi a massive thank you, for putting up with my antics, including giving me advice on Legend of Zelda (breath of the wild)

A few days after the Exorcists arrived at the order, Allen told Link to ask Reever and Komui to see if they could come to his room.

"Are you sure of this, Walker?"

"If I don't, then I'm pretty sure things are gonna be difficult later," the younger male admitted, "I think it's better they know now, rather than find out and accuse me of keeping things to myself."

Link couldn't exactly argue with that. Nodding once, he turned on his heel, and went to search out the Section Chief and Branch Leader. Allen remained in his room, deciding to sort through his thoughts before anything. There were things he wanted to tell them, and of course, things he needed to inform them of. How he would do that, was another thing he had to figure out. It shouldn't be that hard, correct?

. . - * - . .

They took it as well as he figured they would. Better than he thought they would, actually. Allen had taken the time to explain who he really was, and amongst other things, Reever had the expression of a man in disbelief, whereas Komui was...Komui, for the lack of a better word. Somehow, the Chinese man took the news in stride, and Allen was very doubtful Link said anything about him being the Heart.

How strange...but he felt he could dwell on it later.




After a silence that dragged on for too long in the Heart-bearer's opinion, Komui finally spoke up, "I've got to say, this changes everything, Allen," He adjusted his glasses, giving himself an excuse to pause, perhaps to gather his thoughts, "we're going to have to assign you a body-guard that's not just your guardian here," – he gestured to Link – "and we'll have to give you a new room to help accommodate your body-guard."

"...second guard?" Allen asked with hesitance. "Who is that going to be?"

"I'm more than sufficient enough to look after him, Branch Head." Link said.

Reever ran his hand through his hair and sighed, "It's not that you're abilities are being questioned, Inspector Link, it's more like..." The section chief scratched the crown of his head with the pads of his fingers, " might be too much for one person alone."

Oh how Allen desperately wanted to tell them about Apocryphos then and there. However, just as he opened his mouth, the most unexpected thing was said by the eccentric man known as Komui Lee. "We'll have Kanda take that role."

"I'm sorry, what?"

. . - * - . .

To be fair, there was a part of him that should've seen that coming...not necessarily having Kanda being his newest bodyguard...but...just getting another in general.

"But, why does it have to be Kanda?" Allen questioned himself, not for the first time since the improv meeting he had with Komui and Reever. "Out of everyone, anyone in this building, it's him?" Surely there were others, weren't there?

There was really no use in trying to question it. He'd been standing in front of his new door for the past ten was a wonder no one asked why he was just staring at the door. He quickly opened the door, and then entered his new room. It was notably larger than his original one. The floor was adorned with white tiles, and a mid-tone grout to give a subtle pop to the flooring. Against the wall to his right was a double bed, unlike the one that he recalled in his original prison – and not his old room at the Order – this wasn't a canopy bed. He felt a little relieved by this. In front of him stood a sliding glass door that led out to a small balcony which overlooked the forest and outdoor training grounds. It was a beautiful view, even if it was still one of those common cloudy days. Two bay windows stood on either side of the door, each window seat having shelving for books or knick-knacks underneath.

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