Chapter 4: The Ghost of Mater arc Part 1

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Author's note: We have now entered the Ghost of Mater Arc so like the anime and manga this chapter is split into parts, so this chapter is part one. I would like to give my beta Hanashi o suru a massive thank you for being awesome!

Disclaimer: See Prologue

It's been a couple of days since Allen and Link had arrived at the European branch of the Black Order. For the first time in what felt like forever, Allen was finally able to dress himself without Link or Apocryphos assisting him. Seriously, he wasn't handicap, god dammit! Adjusting his vest, and tying his ribbon under his crisp white button down, Allen looked at himself in the mirror, pleased with his overall appearance.

A knock on the door alerted Allen of someone there, and he rolled his eyes, before letting his guard enter. "Good morning, Walker."

"Good morning, Link." Allen greeted in turn. "What's that on your arm?"

"I was called by Komui to retrieve this for you."

"Okay...but what is it?" The German male held out what Allen soon realized with anticipation and excitement was a coat.

His coat.

His very own Exorcist coat. It was almost surreal, if he was being honest. Would Apocryphos be proud if he ever got the chance to show off the new piece of attire? "When you're not on missions, you can simply walk around the Order in your casual attire."

"Huh? Oh, yeah, okay."



"Please do not space out." Link sighed.

The younger chuckled in embarrassment, but became somber, as he spoke aloud his thoughts, "Link I miss you think he's alright?"

"I'm sure he is." Link quietly said. "I'm also sure he misses looking after you...and speaking of, are you going to leave your hair like that?"

"Well...I was gonna tie it back..."

"What that hair? No way!" Both men jumped not having realized someone had heard some of the conversation.


"Sorry, sorry...didn't mean to fighten you. I just heard that you were going to leave your hair tied back. But that's such a Kanda thing though."

"'re not going to put my hair into pigtails like yours, are you?"

"Be nice and cooperative, and I won't."

And that was how Allen Walker ended up with his hair in a half-bun with loose waves trailing down his slender frame, and how Lenalee left the duo behind with a skip in her step when she was done.

"I want to cut all this damn hair off!" Allen complained. "It's an inconvenience when it's long!"

"...we'll think about it." Link sighed, leading his fuming charge towards the canteen. He didn't see a problem with Allen having the hair he has. It was cute on him, after all.

. . - * - . .

"Good day." Link greeted the cook when they reached the front of the line.

"Well, well, if it isn't one of Lvellie's dogs." The head chef was cheery, but even Allen could feel the criticism and distrust laced in the words. "And who might you be?"

"Ah! I Allen Walker..."

"You're free to order what you wish, Walker."

Allen physically perked up at that, and looked to the chef, "Can I really?"

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