Chapter 6: Let me hear the lullaby (Ghost of Mater final Arc)

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Author's notes: Thank you for the amazing reviews. For this fic if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to comment or if you prefer talking to me on my twitter my username is RoseRozu1. And a massive thank you to my beta Hanashi-chan and this website www. /spell-checker/ english-spelling-grammar/ (remove spacing) that is giving my beta less work for her.

Let's get reading!

Warnings: May have full description of violence and minor characters death

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If not for Link, Allen was sure the trek down these old decrepit corridors would've been far more difficult to traverse. Holding up Kanda's wait was proving difficult, and the silver-eyed male could only imagine how things could be if he were carrying both the unconscious sword-wielding Exorcist and the barely conscious Finder.

He didn't exactly doubt that he could, per se. In fact, Allen was fairly certain he was able. It would've been slightly difficult with his body throbbing as it was. He took a greater beating than he initially thought. He heard Link mutter something under his breath, answering something that Toma said that Allen didn't catch.

Allen silently gulped, looking around in front of him. "Dammit, I have no idea where we are...we need to find a safe place to tend to everyone's wounds...

"Walker, do you hear that?" Link called from behind. Allen stopped, and listened around him.

Singing. He heard someone singing nearby...or at least near enough where he could hear it. "I hear a song..."

"Wait up, Walker!" Link scolded, trying to hurry after his charge. As they progressed, the singing ceased, and two people were talking, but it was difficult to hear what was being said. Until they were close enough to hear the tail end of the discussion.

"What song would you like to hear next?" The female's voice asked.

"I'm an ugly...ugly...human being..." Rasped an elderly man's voice. Enraptured by the scene, Allen failed to see a small rock that he kicked, alerting the duo of his, and the others' presence.

"A-ah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop!" He quickly apologized. "'re the doll...?"

The girl made for a pillar that had long ago fallen, and picked it up with ease, thinking fast, Allen got him and Kanda out of the way, though not without screaming in surprise.

"Wait! WAIT! CALM DOWN! LET'S TALK?!" He couldn't dodge the barrage of pillars the girl was throwing at him. Finding a safer place to lay Kanda down, Allen quickly ran towards the doll, he needed to diffuse this situation sooner, rather than later. "LINK! WATCH OVER THEM!" He called over his shoulder.

"Will do."

Allen pulled off his glove, and quickly invoked his claw. The next stone pillar to be thrown at him was caught in his activated Innocence hand. "Heh. Here it comes!" He threw it like a boomerang, the projectile had hit every pillar in the room, reducing all potential weapons to rubble. When it came back, Allen caught it again, and placed it next to him, leaning against it, exhausted.

"There's nothing left to throw." Allen tiredly explained. "Please, talk to me if there's something I should know. I can't fight against a cute girl."

The girl was silent, before understanding dawned upon her.

"I're not my enemy, are you?"

(* - *)

"You see...Guzol is going to die soon." Lala, as Allen found out her name to be, was explaining to him. "Please, don't take me away from him before can have my heart after!"

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