A Witch (Who's also a Zombie)

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Immorticia has died a sudden death.

How did she die? some might ask, the answer is easy.

Whilst cleaning her tower, she opened the door to her belfry when suddenly she was spooked by a swarm of bats who took a place of residence there.

The jump-scare caused by the bats took a fatal tone, when Immorticia lost her footing and feel down a flight of stairs.





And landed at the bottom of her tower, dead.

Luckily for the ameteur witch, a certain big-brained mad scientist infected the world with a Zombie Virus.

Soon after her death, Immorticia returned to life, or UNlife as a Spooky Zombie!


Did that scare you?



"So there I was, just laying there, in my coffin, you know? The usual. When suddenly I was alive again. How cool is that?" Neta says as he sat at the barbershop, talking with the hairdresser as he got his hair cut.

"And like, I understand that it's been a long time since I died, I saw the date on the newspaper, but my body doesn't look all that decrepit. I just think that's cool." The barber nodded along to the rambling of the talking zombie.

"But like, My girlfriend is also dead, and that's sad and all, but also not really, I was planning on breaking up with her anyway but me dying got in the way of that plan," He continued talking.

"So what I'm trying to get at is this, are you seeing anyone right now, because- oh..." Neta stopped talking when the barber showed him her wedding ring.

"Damn, sorry for rambling then. Do you have any friends who might be down for something casual? No? Damn, now I feel like a dick."

"Braaaaiiiiinnnnz," She said and did the finishing touches to his hair, before bringing over a mirror to show him.

Looking himself over in the mirror, Neta nodded to himself and rubbed his chin in approval.

"Yeah, this looks good. Now I don't look like I've been dead for more than five hours, Thanks babe." He tells the hairdresser and leaves his payment on his way out.

A juicy slab of meat he took from an empty steakhouse.

"New look, new me. Let's get flirty," He said with a smirk on his face as he once again began his hunt for the most elusive prey of all.

The hunt for Love.


"Oh no oh no oh no, How could this happen?" The amateur witch-turned-zombie cried as she ran around in circles, her now dead familiars flying above her head in circles.

"I'm dead, I'm actually dead, What kind of Necromancer could cast a spell so powerful as to resurrect someone immediately after their death? I need to find answers, yes! Answers!"

And with a flick of her wand, a spark of purple magic flew and opened up a hole in the wall, large enough for her to walk through and into the outside world.

"I'm sorry Mom, but I'm leaving the tower." She said as she thought about her long-dead witch of a mother, was she also resurrected?

And with a step of her legs, for the first time in 24 years, for the first time since she was born, for the first time since she began studying magic and witchcraft, for the first time in- okay you get the deal.

Immorticia left her tower and stepped into a world she knew nothing about.

The world of modern technology.

And also Zombies and mutated plants, but who counts those?

Waifu of the chapter:

God, If she wasn't actually super annoying and obnoxious, or an actual serial murdering psychopath, or an actual fucking Pony, Pinkie Pie would probably be an S-tier waifu

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God, If she wasn't actually super annoying and obnoxious, or an actual serial murdering psychopath, or an actual fucking Pony, Pinkie Pie would probably be an S-tier waifu.

She canonically marries Weird Al Yankovic by the end of the series, even if he's a pygmy horse, whoever marries Weird Al is a keeper.


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