First Night of the Apocalypse (Haha funny Mushroom)

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The night is when Zombies are most powerful.

We shamble faster, groan louder, and probably bite harder too.

I don't know, It's only been a few hours since I returned to life.

"HAHAHA! Eat Shit you brain-dead suckers!" The short woman who is way too young to be living on her own in such a nice-looking suburban house yelled as a wall of organic peas shot at a wave of encroaching zombies.

"You go, guys! Keep up the good work!" I yelled, waving a makeshift flag as I cheered my coworkers for one final attack on the humans before the sun set and night came.

"Brainnzzzz!" "Groaaaannnn..." "Hehehehe!" The Zombies replied with cheer as for the last time today, a large wave of zombies approached the Human girl.

And then I cringed as their heads fell off and their bodies exploded.

"Is that supposed to happen?" My newly met Fiance asked as she watched the Zombies with me.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully, my flag still waving as I turned to her, "I'm still new to all this Zombie stuff,"

"Oh..." She said thoughtfully in reply, nodding her head in understanding.

"By the way," An idea popped into my head, "Now that we're engaged, What's your name?"

My gorgeous Zombie of a fiance turned to look at me in confusion before realization hit her.

"I didn't introduce myself?! oh no oh no! Mom is going to be so disappointed when she hears about this!" She punched herself on the top of her head, "My name is Immorticia! Nice to meet you!"

"Immorticia? Cool name, sounds hot, Immorticia... I can get used to that. Name's Neta, Pleasure fully making your acquaintance," I smiled what I could only hope was a charming smile.

"Also," I said before turning to look at the rest of the zombies, "ANYBODY THAT SURVIVES THE NIGHT IS INVITED TO MY WEDDING!!!"

""BRAINZZZ!!!"" My Coworkers cheered as they ran at the house, buckets and traffic cones on their heads, flags waving in their hands, fervor in their slow shamble as they all worked hard for my success.

"You guys..." It was a heartfelt moment for many of us, we Undead who've only been alive for mere hours, as the last vestiges of humanity on this earth we call home.

"USELESS! HAHAHA! EAT SHIT ZOMBIE SCUM!" The human yelled as she threw a cherry into the crowd of friends and allies, an explosion killing my dear companions.

"NOOO!!!!" I collapsed to my knees, my flag falling beside me as my ally's ashes flew away in a gust of wind.

"EAT SHIT BRAINLESS!" The racist human yelled, her goggles covering her eyes to shield herself from the explosion.

But not all hope was lost, as with the sun finally setting, the plants on the lawn wilted away into mush, leaving the grass clear from dangers.

"NOW!" I screamed in anger and pointed a grey-skinned finger at the house, "CHARGE!!!"

"Oh no..." The human said as she saw more of us walking up to her lawn, "WAIT! TIME OUT!" She shouted before running to the side of her house and jumping over the fence into the neighbor's yard.

"Okay, everyone! You heard the lady, Time out! Let's all take a break and return in thirty minutes!" I shouted to the zombies on the streets and they nodded in understanding, moving to nearby lawns to sit down and relax. Some shambled towards an Ice Cream shop and started trying to get things running again.

"Brainnz Braiinnnzz! Brainnzz grahh Brainnzz!" A Zombie yelled as he walked around passing out free hotdogs.

"This is surprisingly good, dude. Well done!" I complimented him and he smiled at me, his rotten teeth and crooked smile resembling that of a saint.

"Graah!" A zombie suddenly yelled and pulled our attention to him as he pointed at the Human Girl's Lawn.

"HEY! She's back! Everyone get ready!" I yelled as I picked my flag back up as my coworkers joined me again.

And we watched as another smiling sunflower popped onto the lawn, indicating the start of our first nightly invasion.

And then a small purple mushroom popped onto the lawn.

"Puff Puff!" Small purple pellets peppered our armies as the mushrooms grew, the singular sunflower smiling happily as orbs of sunlight fell from its petals, feeding the slowly growing army of more plants.

The Night only began, But so have we.


S-Tier Waifu of the chapter!

S-Tier Waifu of the chapter!

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Gwen Tennyson!

Also, How is this story #1 in the #Worlddomination tag? How does Wattpad decide these things?!

Thanks for waiting for the chapter, more comedy coming soon.

Another title for this story is "My Undead Zombie Witch Fiance Can't be this Cute!"

Anyway, read D-Frag, literally the best Manga ever made.

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