There is no title (Tanned Tomboy Midriff)

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Zomboss and I couldn't believe our eyes.

As we looked at the screen, at the two houses where the two last humans alive were.

"Like, we're not just seeing things, right? That plant definitely had a face." I asked Zomboss, who kept staring at the screen.

"I mean, Zombies I can understand, science can go really far and all that, but plants with faces acting like turrets?" I reiterate my question, Zomboss still looking at the screen.

On it, the short woman, one of the last two humans alive, could be seen planting seeds in the grass outside of her house, and right when the seeds get buried under the dirt, a plant with a face pops out.

The pea-shooters from before kept firing, and a few small plants that looked more like a random assortment of weeds than anything in particular picked up the small glowing orbs produced by the sunflowers, carrying them to the baseball-swinging woman.

"Hey, boss?" I ask Zomboss, trying to get his attention off the screen for a few moments.

"Huh? Wuh, Oh Yes? What is it?" He shook himself from his funk and looked over at me.

"What do we do?"

He looked back at the screen and then looked back at me.

"Take my keys minion, drive the van to her house, and set up a base of operations in her front neighbor's yard. Taunt her if need be, I want- no, I NEED to learn how she got her hands on those plants. Because there's only one man I can think of who would be crazy enough to make something like that, And I don't know what I'd do if he's still alive." He then tossed me the keys to the van and sat on a chair in front of one of the elaborate high-tech-looking computers in the room.

"Sure thing, Boss. My name's Neta by the way." I tell him as I turn around and walk down the stair of the Z-Mansion.

"Sure, I'll remember it later." He waved it off.


Sunny didn't know what was worse.

The fact that it was currently a Zombie apocalypse, all her friends and family were likely dead, and she will never be able to get married seeing as everybody is dead.

Or the fact that the only over living person around is her crazy neighbor who gave her "Magic Seeds" and now she has a bunch of plant shooting giant vegetables at the zombies.

Or is it that the Zombies ONLY SEEM TO TARGET HER?!

"DAVE IS RIGHT OVER THERE YOU BRAINDEAD MORORNS!!!" She yelled, but clearly, the Zombies were actually braindead, seeing as none of them had any plans of how to attack her other than walk slowly towards her door.


"Damnit, at least Dave said he'd have more seeds to give soon, these Pea-shooters are good and all, but there are way too many Zombies out the- IS THAT A WORKING VAN?!" Sunny yelled as she spotted a purple and white van drive down the road, carefully avoiding the zombies in the way before parking itself on the other side of the road.

She couldn't see the driver through the tinted window, but whoever it was had a working car, something that would definitely become useful in the future.

"But why aren't any of the zombies going after whoever that is? Why do they only attack me?" Sunny asked herself as she planted a seed that popped a giant walnut with a round face out moments later.

Sunny thought about it for a moment.

"Oh - My - God." She said as a realization hit her for why the zombies only target her.

"ZOMBIES ARE SEXIST!" She shouted loudly, quickly planting more sunflowers on her lawn.

The zombies, however, seemed to stop when she said that. Looking at each other in confusion before turning to stare at her, a look of disappointment and even some disgust plastered on their face.

"Don't look at me like that!" Sunny yelled at the Zombies who merely shook their head at her before turning around and walking towards the laws across the street, where the van was parked.

"Why did they..." Sunny asked herself quietly as the zombies walked away.

"Wait..." The realization hit her, "I'm not a Necrophobe I swear! I'm sure that not all Zombies are sexist!" She yelled, begging for forgiveness for her hurtful categorization of the undead.

"Not gonna' lie, Kind of Racist," She heard someone say, and as she looked to the van across the street to see who said that, who's the DICKHEAD that called HER racist.

And when she saw him, Sunny was sure that if it didn't make her look worse in the eyes of everyone around her, she would have defended herself by stating that she's in fact not racist because being a zombie doesn't make you a different race but that would probably make her sound even more racist.

She's not, by the way.

Sunny isn't racist...

I think. I'm not actually sure. I'm just the narrator for the scenes where Neta isn't the point of view, I don't know all that much and-

"You can talk?!" Sunny yelled when from around the van walked a different-looking zombie, a Zombie who didn't look like all the other zombies- Okay yeah this sounds racist.

His skin was Grey instead of Green, and he wasn't wearing a brown suit. He instead wore a black and white suit, he didn't have a tie, nor did he have a traffic cone or a bucket on his head, instead showing a messy head of thin white hairs that definitely didn't get cut in years.

For all intents and purposes, If he got a haircut, a nose, and wasn't a zombie that might eat her brains, Sunny could say that he was kind of her type.

The serious workers who had an actual job and didn't live with their parents like she did.


"Yes," The zombie said as he walked until he stood on the sidewalk just a step away from her lawn.

"I can talk."

Extra picture because it fits.

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