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After Kuruk led me back up to my room, it was clear he knew I was struggling but unsure as to why. His questions were minimal but obvious that Kylo did not inform him of Ana's death. It makes me wonder if Vicrul and Kylo haven't told anyone, waiting to hear my side of the events. It has been hours since I have last seen Kuruk but I know I'll be seeing him any minute. Will he be mad at me for withholding the information after he helped me all morning?

I can hear all of the chatting as the elevator rises to Kylo's personal floor. There are clearly more than the seven men I expected, the voices speaking over one another as the elevator comes to a stop and opens. I hold my breath as I step out, no one paying attention to me. I exhale and step into the room

There's roughly over forty men in here, mostly unrecognizable faces speaking to one another. I wrap my arms around myself as I make my way through the crowd, searching for any of my men. Spotting Clyde talking to another man I have never seen before, I keep away from him. I'm ashamed that he was put in an awful situation last night because of me. I hear Cardo's voice before I see him, following it over to the kitchen table. He sits at the head of the table, a glass of whiskey in front of him as he hands out several sheets of paper to the other five men sitting at the table.

Cardo points at the first paper on the stack, "These are all of the known aliases he has acquired over the last seven years. Take a good look, boys. He is hard to miss with his distinguishable tattoos."

I peek over someone's shoulder to look at the most recent picture Hux found of him, my stomach knotting at the face of Ana's killer.

The man next to Cardo asks, "What is his last known address?"

Cardo flips two pages and points, "He is currently listed at two addresses but was found at neither of them as of the last search conducted this morning."

The man across the table from Cardo, the one I am secretly sharing the papers with asks, "What is he being accused of and does he rank first priority in our duties?"

Cardo lifts his head to answer but stops, meeting my eyes. He does not respond, watching me as the guys sitting around the table turn to see what he is staring at. I wince at the attention and mouth, "Sorry," before turning and melting back into the crowd to hopefully find one of my men not as busy.

"Come here," Cardo demands, his voice booming over the chatter around us.

I halt my steps and look over my shoulder, unsure as to if he is speaking to me or someone else. His gaze locks with mine as he scoots his chair back, patting his thigh. His gesture beckons to me as his face twists with control, the rest of the men holding their breath as they watch us closely.

Glancing around the room to find another one of my guys proves to be useless before I turn and head towards Cardo. He sits in silence as I come to stand in front of him, nervously glancing at the other men. Their eyes refuse to meet my stare, giving me room to breathe as Cardo grabs my waist. He slowly lowers me onto his thigh, letting my body relax into him. His head nods to me as if telling me it's okay and everything will be fine. I nod back in silence before he turns back to the men and continues his rundown about Victor...Tate... Maul... whatever the fuck his name is.

Cardo taps the paper with his finger while the other hand rests across my stomach, "To answer your question, yes. He takes first priority over the other open and active cases. Everyone will be informed of what he stands accused of once the meeting begins."

Does Cardo not know about Ana's death either? He acts as if he isn't sure why he is on top suddenly either. Did Kylo really not inform anyone and is forcing me to tell them?

Salvation [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now