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After stalling the car many... many times, I finally get us home. Ushar steps out of the passenger side and all of the security waiting for us looks shocked to see me getting out of the driver side. I stand to my full height, steeling my spine straighter as I hand over the set of keys before walking to the elevator with Ushar. Despite the sudden closeness and friendship budding between us, he keeps his hands to himself and so do I. The distance remains between us as we stand in comfortable silence, waiting for the ding of the elevator arrival. Without hesitating, I step in and press the medical floor. I need to check on my men. Kylo wouldn't be up but I have a promise to keep with Vicrul.

Ushar follows and doesn't say a word as we exit the elevator and head towards their room. Kylo is still asleep with the tubes running along his side to give him oxygen and monitor his status. However, Vicrul isn't in his bed. Phasma isn't on the floor but a nurse is.

"Where is he?" I approach the woman without a greeting, panic making my words snippy.

I must startle her because she jumps, placing a hand over her heart, "Who?"

I reign in my frustration wishing Phasma was here, "The second patient out of your only two."

Just then, the bathroom door opens and Vicrul slowly walks into the doorway in just a sterile hospital gown haphazardly hanging off of his shoulders. His leg seems weak as he holds onto the door frame, "Hey doc," he nods to Ushar with a drag of his foot, "any reason I'd be pissing blood?"

The nurse looks concerned while Ushar shakes his head, "You had major blood loss, on a shit ton of medication, and probably took a few right hooks to your kidneys. I'll be concerned if you urinate blood in a week." He turns to the nurse and dismisses her out of the room, presumably to give the men an update and Ushar the decency of his hospital gown showing his entire backside which remains bare.

Vicrul huffs a breath as I race over and hook an arm around his waist for support, "Easy for you to say, fucker. Not your dick streaming red. Hey, little one." He barely allows me to help as he walks over to the bed with an obvious limp and sits on the edge, a groan low in his throat the moment he sits. "How did it go?"

Trudgen, still sitting beside Kylo, asks, "Did you bring me his ear?" My eyes widen at his question but I shrug it off, knowing Trudgen is only furious at the whole situation. Him being the most level-headed always catches me off guard when that goes to shit and we are all feral for revenge. Once Trudgen is pissed, you know somebody messed up.

Ushar sets his briefcase down and pulls out his phone. Buzzing occurs from several phones in the room, including mine, with a link. I press it in unison with Vic and Trudgen, opening up the live feed from the warehouse. Several options are labeled on the left side, letting us choose what camera to view. I immediately press the "Holding Cell" option to see my phone flash to the room we were just in an hour ago. The audio is deathly silent as Maul hangs, still chained by the wrists to the ceiling.

Ushar tucks his phone away to speak, "We could not touch Maul today. Jaundice has settled in and further blood loss would have caused him to pass out or die. When we begin torture, he will not survive past twenty-four hours. Scarlett was able to pull some information out of him without contact. The audio wire was able to record and store the data under the MP3 file. Listen with discretion. Otherwise, the audio feed should remain silent besides the shift changes."

Vic holds his phone up to his ear and because I am close enough, I can hear myself. Shit. My head whips to Ushar who subtly takes a step closer. Trudgen watches the interaction before raising his phone up to his ear, now intrigued enough to listen himself. I don't know what to do but my first instinct is to make sure Vic stays calm. Sitting next to him on the bed, I lay my hand on his uninjured thigh to let him know it's okay. His eyes remain staring straight ahead, focused on nothing as the audio continues to play. I can no longer hear my voice, only the murmur of a male. The only reaction Vicrul gives is the slow nod of his head, as if understanding everything.

Salvation [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now