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I awake myself with an audible gasp, jolting upright in a bed. I don't remember getting into bed. I blink and scan the dark room, noting that I am not in MY bed. Fear surges through me as I feel an unfamiliar shirt wrapped around me. My dress... it's gone. The white material is soft and warm, the buttons stopping right at my breasts, allowing my chest to heave in deep breaths without any restraint. It all floods back in that moment, stealing my breath. The funeral.

My fingers reach for any sort of light source, finding a button that illuminates two identical lamps on both sides of the bed. I recognize Kylo's black, silk sheets in a heartbeat and the shirt I am wearing right now has the scent of comfort. It hits me. The hazy memory of my meltdown in the back of the car is hard to remember, but I do remember the shirt replacing my unbearable dress.

Murmuring from downstairs has me crawling out of the bed and silently walking downstairs. The entire floor is darker than usual with only the television illuminating the open floor space. Kylo and Vicrul sit on the couch in the open living room with space between them as they still remain dressed in their suits from the funeral earlier today. They both raise a crystal glass to their mouth at the same time, sipping a dark, amber colored liquid. Neither of them wince as they swallow and hold the glass on their thigh, feet propped up on the table to watch whatever is playing on the television screen.

My presence isn't noticed until I step off the staircase and onto the main floor. Both of their heads whip to where I stand as their eyes scan me from head to toe. Vicrul releases a breath and sits back in his seat, probably relaxing at the fact I am no longer losing my fucking mind. At least not externally spiraling. Kylo keeps his eyes trained on me as I walk towards them, stepping over his legs and sitting between them on the couch. The news is playing at a low volume, nothing being reported that I concern myself with.

Vicrul holds his glass out to me, allowing me to decide whether I want a drink or not since my day was so royally fucked. Without hesitation, I steal his glass and finish the chilled bourbon while he stands and grabs another glass from the kitchen. He comes back with the liquor bottle and refills all three glasses, silently lifting his glass in a lazy cheer before tossing it back. I follow suit as Kylo only sips on his. Vicrul refills my glass and then his once more before resting the bottle on the table in front of us.

As Vic sits back on the couch, he sits a little closer to me this time. I savor the warmth of the two large bodies on either side of me since the shirt I wear only covers the very tops of my thighs. I wonder who gave me their shirt to wear... My nose takes a subtle inhale and notes the subtle scent of a rich cologne and musk, topped with a faint hint of floral. I sigh to myself knowing it is Trudgen's shirt. I love his scent since it was the one that forced me to hold on while being held captive by Enzo. I memorized that smell all those nights, wishing it lingered on my skin as he pinned me under him. The only time I felt hope during those days. The floral scent must be from him carrying the lilies to Ana's coffin. Ana's dead.

"Do you feel better?" Kylo's voice is deep as he glances to me.

I swallow the rising nausea and nod, taking another small sip of the burning liquid, "Better." My stomach warms with each sip of the liquor, quickly traveling through my bloodstream with no food in my stomach. The news reporter claims the rest of the week will be very warm, like today was. The heat stung my exposed skin as I stood there, watching the casket be adorned with flowers of all colors. My skin still feels heated but almost chilly, letting me know I most definitely did get a sunburn earlier.

Vicrul fills my glass again as I stare at the screen, watching Kylo begin to flip through the channels. It's odd to watch him watch tv. He is always so busy and occupied with more important things. If it isn't the bank, it's all his side hustles. These two rarely stay home and relax so today must have been long if they are drinking and unwinding in a regular way. Most nights they are working out, shooting off rounds in the range, scheming, or sleeping.

Salvation [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now