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Warm air blasts my face as we step out of the private plane, heels clicking on the runway as I make my way to the car. New York is warm during the summer and I love it; missed it actually. The small getaway to California was very calm and we all got some much-needed rest. Well, all of us besides one. Kylo gets in the driver seat of the car I am sitting in and pulls off without a word spoken.

"Uh, we aren't waiting for any of the others?" I lean up and ask as he casually drives off of the private airstrip and onto the freeway.

Kylo shakes his head while merging into traffic, "No, I have a surprise for you."

My heart stammers in my chest, "A surprise? Any hints?"

I catch a smirk form across his face through the rearview mirror as he answers, "Just relax. We will be there shortly."

Trying to do as he says, I sit back in the seat and scroll on my phone. I do a mental checklist: checked in with the parents, submitted two white papers and a single proposal into the Bank of Ren for next quarter meeting which is coming up very soon, and asked Clyde to be free tonight so we could hang out together. That poor man has been through the ringer lately and needs an easy night. I offered him a night in, stuffing our faces with Chinese takeout and his response came within seconds. A big fat yes.

I tuck my phone into my purse and stare out of the window, wishing Kylo would put on music to fill the silence. His mood has remained the same the whole rest of the week in California, cranky and unpredictable. At least the other six men were enjoying the vacation. They don't make me feel like a burden in their presence.

A smile forms on my lips as I remember the night that Cardo got so drunk, he tried wearing a dress of mine and it took two other guys to pull it off of him. Rest in peace to that dress because I heard rips and tears as he shimmied it over his broad shoulders. Ushar almost pissed himself and refused to help while I rolled on the floor with Kuruk and Ap'lek.

"Something amusing you'd care to share?" Kylo's voice startles me out of the memory.

I meet his stare in the mirror, "No, it um... It was just..." I chew my lip and shrug, "I am happy to be home."

He holds my stare for as long as the road will allow him, "I know I wasn't the most... participating member on this trip, but I had fun."

"You had fun?" I raise my eyebrows.

His focus returns to driving before answering, "I mean, I had fun watching you have fun."

I cross my arms, "Well, this is news to me. You seemed to hate it, the whole thing. Including me." The way he stared at me, got upset if we were too loud, or left the house for too many hours felt as if we were riding his last nerve. "You weren't very kind," I mutter quietly.

The silence builds again as he does not respond. Good, let him think about how shitty he has been lately. Not only to me but to his men as well. He has been chewing them up and spitting them out for making simple errors or asking one too many questions. Kylo's behavior has been unacceptable as of lately and I would like to show him how much I despise it.

The car comes to a stop right outside of a French restaurant I know and love all too well, Per Se.

My stomach tightens with hunger, but I speak up, "I'm not very hungry." Kylo doesn't need to know the dinner plans I had made with Clyde back at home.

"Then order wine," Kylo responds as he steps out of the car and opens my door for me.

I sit for a few seconds, debating if I want to throw a fit and demand he takes me home before I roll my eyes and step out onto the sidewalk. A glass of wine doesn't sound too bad after a day of traveling. Kylo walks ahead of me, the men at the entrance pulling open the heavy metal doors to reveal a dark and secretive atmosphere. The rich aromas of white wine sauce, scallops, and basil make my stomach tighten again and I'm suddenly so relieved I did not refuse this.

Salvation [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now