Light shines in the Dark

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A few days later Felix was able to set a date that Minho and Hyunjin were free. He chose something simple and casual.

He knock at his door and opens it.
It was Jeongin.

"Oh it's you.", Felix said frowning at him.
"I wanted to apologize for telling Jisung your secret."

Felix sighs and lets him in.
"I know it wasn't my place to tell but it just came out. Please accept my apology.", Jeongin pleaded.

" me coffee every day for a month and I'll forgive you."

Jeongin engulfed Felix into a big hug.
"I need to tell you something.", Felix said as he pulled from Jeongin.

"What is it?"
"I did it. I told Minho and Hyunjin to meet me at the the same time."

"So you're going to tell them?"
"Well it's too late to back out now."
"Are you nervous?"

"Terrified. My hands are shaking."
Jeongin takes Felix's shaking hands in his.

"Felix, relax. They'll be either good consequences or bad ones. But you'll never know until you take that risk. Don't let your nerves take over. And no matter what happens you will always have friends to come back to."

Felix smiles softly at Jeongin's comforting words.

"You're right. I can only hope for the best." Felix goes to the mirror and checks himself.

"How do I look?"
"Neat. I bet you'll win their hearts.", Jeongin answered confidently.

"Thanks. Wish me luck. I'll see you later."

Felix walks out of his room at the same time Jisung walks out of his. They make eye contact for a split second before they walked away in different directions.

Jisung turned around to look at him then turns back. And Felix does the same. They obviously miss each other they don't the other to know.

Felix walks to the park ten minutes early to see who would arrive first. He sits at a circular table and waits for them.

A few minutes later Hyunjin arrives. Felix calls out his name and waved his hand.
Hyunjin waves back and walks over to him.

"Hey. Um I just want to let you know that someone else will be joining us.", Felix said as he sits down.

Hyunjin sits next to him.
"Oh is it one of your friends?"
"Not exactly."

Minho arrives and sees Felix sitting at a table. He heads over then slows down when he hears him talking to someone.

"Felix?", he called. Felix turned his head.
"Who's this?", he asked looking at Hyunjin.

"Please sit. I'll explain everything." Minho takes a seat which made breathe a breath of relief.

" Minho this is Hyunjin. And Hyunijin this is Minho. And before I start I just want you to listen carefully."

Minho and Hyunjin both look at Felix with a confused and slightly worried look. Felix takes a deep breath.

"I guess I'll start by saying that I am going out with both you. You guys are very unique and special in your own way. Minho your cooking and Hyunijn your art. I'm telling you this now cause I didn't want you to think I'm cheating and y'all deserve to know the truth. I'm sorry but I couldn't pick only one of you. It's only been a little over a week since our first dates and I already feel a connection with you guys. I would like to keep dating you only if you want to but I'll understand if that might not be possible. But before you decide at least take some time to think about it." Felix stops talking and fiddles with his hands.

Neither Minho nor Hyunjin responded which made Felix even more nervous.

"I need to think about this.", Minho said and got up to walk to his car. Felix looks at him as he walks away.

Hyunjin rests his hand on Felix's.
"I like you a lot Felix but I'm gonna need to think too."
"I understand."

Hyunjin leaves Felix sitting there alone. 'I've done the right thing.', he says to himself. He walks back home thinking about what happened.

He went inside and drew himself a bath. He gets in and plays music on his headphones.

He plays "Lonely Boy" by TXT and quietly sings along.

Once he's done he gets out and stands in front of the mirror. 'Standing here alone.', he thinks.

He dries off, puts on some clothes and secluded himself in his room.


"It's been days since Felix never came out of his room.", Jisung said.

"Do you know why?", asked Seungmin.
Jisung shook his head.

"Maybe you need to apologize to him."
"Or maybe it has something to do with those guys."

Seungmin gives Jisung a look.
"What?", he replied.
"You're just saying that cause you don't want to apologize."

"Not true."
"Then go."
"Ok ok."

Jisung knocks softly on Felix's door and slowly opens it peeking his head in. The room was too dark he could barely see anything.

"Mm.", he replied in a low hum.
"Can I turn the light on?"

Jisung flips on the light switch and saw Felix hugging his legs while staring at his phone.

Felix squinted his eyes from the light then opens them after they adjust. Jisung sits down at the edge of the bed.

"Whatcha doing?", he asked.
"Mm nothing.", he mumbled.

"You know you've been here for days now. You need to get and get some fresh air."

Jisung sighs as he's getting nowhere with him.
"Is about those guys?" Felix closes his eyes and buries his head in his arms and legs.

"Look I'm sorry for yelling at you and calling you those names. I guess I was just jealous and I took my anger out on you. I love you and I'm sorry.", Jisung apologizes.

Felix went back to staring at his phone and says nothing.

Jisung leaves the room and as soon as he close the door Felix's phone lights up.

'Gasp.' He widen eyes as he saw a notification from Minho. Scared to read it, he leaves his phone there and it turns back off.

He stares at it for a few more minutes before reaching to pick it up. He opens Minho's message.

We need to talk.


Come to my place.


Felix gets out of bed and changes clothes. He exits his room and heads outside.

"Felix?", Jisung stops him. "Where are you going?"
"For a walk.", he answers then walks passed him.

Once at Minho's house he walks up to the door and reaches for the doorbell. But stops.

His hand starts shaking again and heart starts racing. He closed his eyes shut and rang the bell.

Seconds later Minho opens the door, a little happy to see Felix's face again.

He invites him in and they sit on the couch. Felix begins to fiddle with his hands out of nervousness.

Minho looked at his small hands and smiled to himself.

"I wanted to tell you this in person rather than on the phone.", Minho speaks.

"And I've thought about what you said and I feel the same way." Felix looks at Minho.

"And I would be glad to continue our relationship."

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