Battle of the Boyfriends

667 24 16

TW⚠️: smut

Minho and Hyunjin fought back and forth over Felix which started to frustrate him a bit.

He loves them both very much but the tension between them was getting too heavy. So Felix brought them for an intervention.

The three of them were at Felix's house sitting at the kitchen table.

Minho and Hyunjin sat next to each other across from Felix.

"Inhales'. Ok it's obvious that you two couldn't care less about each other. But I care about you guys so you have to stop this fighting.", Felix instructed.

"I wouldn't call it fighting. Just a little disagreement.", Hyunjin said.

"Just a dispute between f-f-f-f-friends.", Minho replied not wanting to call Hyunjin a friend.

"I think that you two need to hang out by yourselves and bond over something you both like.", Felix said.

"Bond?!" They said in unison. Both looked at each other then at Felix.

"Yes. Do whatever y'all need to do and get your shit together. Get it all together and put it in a backpack. All your shit, so it's together. And if you gotta take it somewhere then do it. Take it to the shit store and sell it. Or put it in a shit museum. Y'all just gotta get it together, ok?"

They both nodded willing to do anything for him. The two of them walked out of the house.

"I hate you.", Minho spoke.
"Yeah well you're no picnic either."

Minho holds out his hand.
"What? You want a piece of candy?"
"No. Your number."

"God can't you ask politely instead of talking like an asshole.", Hyunjin replies and hands Minho his phone.

Minho rolled his eyes.
"Here.", he hands it back. "Text me when you're free.", he walks away.

Hyunjin flipped him off while Minho back was turned. And Minho did the same thing without even turning around.

'Tsk. I hate him.'


Felix and his friends were cleaning up their house. He was cleaning the living room with Jisung while the other were cleaning the kitchen.

"So how's it going with your two love birds.", Jisung asked while dusting a picture frame.

"They're always fighting over me and believe me, I'm flattered. But it's kinda getting out of hand.", he responded.

"What did you say?"
"I told them to get their shit together."
"Damn. Really?"

"Yup." Felix starts sweeping.
"They are battling for your love. It's a fight to the DEATH!"

Felix raised an eyebrow at him.
"Uh no. No way. I made them hang out together until they make up."

"That's crazy! That's like putting a lion and a tiger in the same cage. Only one will come out alive."

"Oh please you're being dramatic. Nothing like that is gonna happen."


Minho invited Hyunjin over and he entered his house he wasn't surprised.

"Wow your house is soo big.", he said sarcastically.
"Why, thank you."

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