A fortunate Event (part ll)

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Felix and Hyunjin were at the store shopping for decorations for Minho's birthday.

"Should we get some streamers as well?", Felix asked.
"Hmm I don't think that we should all out since it's not a party.", Hyunjin replied.

"Yeah. Ooh what about this?" Felix picks up a bag of confetti poppers.

Felix places the bag in the basket and they towards they bakery section to find a cake.

"Do you know what flavor he would want?", Hyunjin asked.
"I thought you would know.", Felix said while searching for cake options.

"How would I know? He doesn't really share that stuff with me."
"He should. You're his boyfriend too."

Hyunjin contemplates Felix for what he just said.

"Are we boyfriends?", he asked. Felix looks at him.
"Aren't we?"

"I don't know we never made it official." Before Felix could say anything back his phone rings. He takes it out to see who it was.

"It's Minho.", he told before picking up.
"Hey Felix I'm calling to let you know that I won't be off until 9."

"Oh ok. That's fine."
"Are you sure? I know you wanted to do something. I can come home now."

"NO! I mean you don't have to do that. Please stay take your time."

"O..k. If you say so. I'll see you guys later."
"Bye." Felix hangs up.

"What did he say?", asked Hyunjin.
"He said he'll be at 9 so we have time to set up."

Felix grabs a chocolate covered cake that said 'happy birthday' on it.

"Let's get this one."


Felix went back home to freshen up for tonight. He sets the cake on the counter in the kitchen and texts Hyunjin to meet him at Minho's in an hour.

"Is that for me?", Jisung asked entering the kitchen.
"No. Its for Minho."

Jisung opens the bag to take a look.
"Looks boring."
"It's not! He just likes simple things.", Felix defended.

"Ugh he sounds boring."
"Don't you have a drag show you should be preforming in?"

Jisung scoffs as Felix heads to his room to take a shower.

"Are you saying I dress like a drag queen?"
"If the the shoe fits. Or should I say wig."Felix walks away.

"I don't even have a wig!" Jisung shouts.

Felix puts on his playlist before getting into the shower. He lets the water fall on his face while 'Night' by Kang Daniel plays.

'Am I even ready?', he asked himself. He does a deep cleanse on his whole body.

'I don't need to worry. They'll be gentle.' Felix turns the water off and hops out. Just thinking about Minho and Hyunjin sends his heart racing.

He runs a comb through his towel dried hair while looking in the mirror. He pictures Minho and Hyunjin gently rubbing their hands all over his naked body making his dick slightly twitch.

"Ah.", he leans over the counter. "Come on Felix get it together." He patted his face so could focus.

After drying the rest of his body he puts on a turtle neck with ripped jeans and a section of his hair slicked back.

He gets his phone and checks the time which reads 7:40. He goes to the kitchen to get the cake.

"Hey Seungmin." Seungmin turns towards Felix.

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