Only Love Can Hurt Like This

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"W-what are y-you doing h-here?" Jeongin asked.
"I need to talk to you."

"We're pass t-taking. I have nothing t-to say to y-you." Jeongin starts closing the door but Chan stopped him.

"Jeongin, please. I'm sorry. It's important."

"I-it's too l-late for sorries. I had w-waited for a week Chan! A week! A-after not answering m-my calls or texts.. I soon thought y-you were d-dead. I-I've been crying nonstop w-wishing you'd come back. I..I was g-going to tell you I love you."

"What?", Chan said softly with a surprised expression.
"Goodbye, Chan."

Jeongin successfully closes the door leaving the older. He leans against the door as water fills his eyes.

"N-no, Jeongin. No more tears.", he said and held them back.


In the afternoon, Jeongin came down from his room to the kitchen where the other three were.

"Jeon, you're out your room.", Jisung said.
"Are you ok?"

"No, but hopefully soon."
"I know you will.", Seungmin added.

"Are you hungry?", Felix asks.
The younger shook his head in response. He sat down at the table and places his hands on his face as the others stare at him.

"I don't wanna talk about it.", he spoke.
"Jeon-", Jisung started but Seungmin cut him off and shook his head.

The younger tried so hard to hold back his tears but they fell anyway. Felix scoots closer to him and rubs his back in comfort.

"I-I'm tired o-of crying. W-why c-can't I stop?"
"Because you love him, Jeon.", Felix answered.

"Love can't hurt l-like t-this. 'sniffle' He came here. L-last night. I wanted to h-hug him so bad but..I couldn't."

"Jeon, this is suffering you. You need to at least talk to him. We don't like seeing you like this. And as much as I want to punch his throat, I also want to see you happy again.", Jisung told.

"Ok.", the younger sniffles.

Later, Jeongin saw several missed calls from Chan. 'Sigh' he texted him.

Can we talk?

Yeah, we can.
I'll come to your place.


Jeongin got ready for Chan's arrival but slightly scared of something yet to come.

As he waits, he looks for his journal. He finds it under pieces of paper scattered on the floor and picks it up.

He flips through pages and stops at the day when he wrote about the time Chan got locked out of his car and had to call a locksmith.

"I can't find my keys.", Chan said as he feels for them in his pockets.
"Did you leave them in the car?"

"I thought I brought them out."
"Chan, they're on the seat.", Jeongin said as saw them through the window.

"Shit.", he curses to himself.
"Ok, I'll call someone."

He calls a locksmith and they arrived moments after. They were able to unlock the door and Chan yelled in victory.

But somehow the door closes after the locksmith left and Chan didn't get keys. The younger laughs hysterically.

"Dang it! Aw why?", Chan fake cried. He called up the locksmith again as Jeongin kept laughing.

Jeongin chuckles to himself since that day he thought was funny. He flips to a new page and began writing.

Once done, he closes the journal then leans back in his chair. His phone dings.

I'm here.

Jeongin exits his room and heads to the front door to open it. He saw the older sitting on the steps and walks out to sit next to him.

"Do you want me to tell you what happened?", Chan asks.
The younger shook his head.

"I d-don't really want to k-know.", he fiddle with his fingers.

"I'm sorry. I really am. Can you, at least, think about forgiving me?"

"I already did. After I r-realized I c-can't fully breathe without you. E-every time you leave it sends a-a knife in my heart. A-and it hurts.", he tears up.

"I want you to s-stay. And I want to be with you, Chan cause I'm.. in love with you."

Jeongin holds the older's hand and looked him in the eyes. Chan carefully places his other hand on the younger's cheek.

"You love me?", he asks.
"Yes. I love you."
"Heh. You didn't even stutter once."

The older cups Jeongin's face."
"I love you too."

The gap between their lips closes as they share a sentimental kiss.

Jisung and Felix squealed out loud as they watch with Seungmin.

"Shut up!", Seungmin whisper yelled.

"What was that?", Chan asked.
"They're probably watching from inside. I'll scold them later."

"Haha! You're so cute.", the older squishes his cheeks. Jeongin blushed at the comment.

"I'll be by your side whenever you need me."

Chan stands up and held out his hand for the younger to take, which he did. The older yanked him up and kissed him again.

"A promise sealed with a kiss.", he said.
"I'll see you later, yeah?"

The younger nodded. Chan walks to his car while feeling for his keys.

"What's wrong?"
"I think I locked myself out again."
"Oh my god.", Jeongin snickers.


Chan arrived home and received a call before he got out he car, but the caller id was unknown.

"Yes?", he answered.
"You need to come back, CB97.", a deep disguised voice said.

"I told you I'm done. I can't do this anymore."

"Your contract is still intact. If you don't want to see your Jeongin killed, I suggest you comply."

"You fucking leave him out of this."
"I've heard you were going to tell him about what you do. If he hadn't stop you he would've died."

Chan balled up his fists in anger.

"You don't want to see him dead, do you?"

'Fuck!' "Fine. But don't lay a fucking finger on him or I'll kill you myself."

"Thank you for your cooperation. We will be in touch with your next assignment."

The call ends.

"Fuck!!", the older yells. He looks at his Lock Screen that has a picture of Jeongin on it.

"I won't let anyone hurt you. I promised to stay by your side."

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