Sun sets in the East

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Felix sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast when Jisung enters. He looks up and sees his messy hair first and smiled.

"Good morning Sungie.", he greeted.

"You look tired. How was your night?"

"Hmm. You don't say."
Jisung sits down at the table with Felix.

"It seems like you had a rough night. Anything you want to tell me?", he winked.

"Why are you winking? And stop smiling like a dork."
"I'm trying to get you to tell me what happened with you and Seungmin last night."

"I thought you were with your boyfriends."
"I was. I can't go home to sleep?"

"So you heard huh?"
"The whole world could hear your screams. "Oh Seung you're soo big. Ah fuck me faster".", Felix mocked.

"Ok ok I get it. Sorry I didn't think you were home."
"How long have you been doing it?"

"It was the first. But we started dating about a week ago." Felix scoffed at him.

"And you didn't tell me?"
"I was going to tell you and Jeon."
"Was it going to be before or after we heard you fucking like demons?"

"Jeongin heard too?!"
"I told you the whole world did. It must've hurt his poor ears. How could you do this to our baby bread?"

"This is terrible. How can I face him now?"
"Speaking of, his coming."

Before Jeongin walks in Jisung hides under the table.

"Morning Jeon.", Felix greeted.
"Morning Lix."
"How did you sleep?"

"Fine I guess."
"Well I couldn't. Wanna know why?"
"Not particularly."

"It's because a certain someone was making a lot of noise."
Jisung hits Felix in the leg.

"Oh I had my headphones on so I didn't hear anything."
"Really? Nothing at all?"

"Nope.", Jeongin goes back to his room. Jisung comes out from under the table.

"Whew! Thank the lord.", he said relieved.
"See? We weren't as loud as you said. He didn't hear a thing.", Jisung said and left to his room.


Felix went out with his boyfriends and dragged Jeongin along. They were at a restaurant sitting at a table while Hyunjin and Minho were ordering and waiting for Hyunjin's friends.

"Why am I here?", Jeongin asked sulking."
"Because you need to make some friends and stop playing games all day.", Felix answered.

Hyunjin and Minho came back to the table.
"They should be here any minute.", Hyunjin said.

Jeongin pulled out his phone and started to play on it.
"Hand it over.", Felix said and held out his hand.

'Tsk', Jeongin handed his phone to him and pouted. Hyunjin's friends entered the building.

"Hyung over here!", Hyunjin shouted. They walked over to them.

"Guys this is my boyfriend Minho and Felix and this is Felix's friend Jeongin. And here's Chan and Changbin.", he greeted them.

They all bowed as they were introduced except Jeongin who was staring at Chan.

He was wearing all black with silver jewelry and a lip piercing. This man was the definition of handsome.

Jeongin quickly looked away when Chan glanced at him.

During the meal Jeongin would look look at the other from time to time. And when he smiled or laughed he could see his gorgeous dimples of his.

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