Someone you Love

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"Ah~ what a beautiful day for a picnic, isn't it?", Minho announced.
"No.", both Felix and Hyunjin said simultaneously.

Hyunjin didn't like the hot weather and Felix...well he was going through hormonal changes.

"Don't be so grumpy. Come, let's sit.", Minho lays down a blanket on the grass and assisted Felix to sit.

"Min, it's so hot out here.", Hyunjin complained.

"Not if you have fresh fruit like strawberries..", he lifts up a container of strawberries. Felix's face lightens.

"And..watermelons!", he continued and Hyunjin's face lightens.

Minho feeds them both Hyunjin and Felix their fruit and they gladly accepted.

"Mm~ so refreshing.", Felix muffles with strawberries in his mouth. He flinches with his hand on his belly.

"Lix, what is it?", the older asked worriedly.
"Nothing. I guess the baby doesn't like strawberries."

The older relaxes a bit.
"Oh, you haven't told us who's it is.", Hyunjin adds.

"I honestly I don't know, but it wouldn't matter anyways."

"Of course not. But I would be flattered if the baby did look like me."

"Oh, please. They would look like me ten times more than you.", Minho protested.

The two glared at each other.

"Déjà vu, am I right?", Felix said breaking the forth wall.

"Guys, let's not fight over what the baby will look like. It doesn't matter to me."

"Lixie is right. Even if they'll look like Min, I'll still love them."
"I'll love them more, Lix.", Minho said.

"No more than me.", Hyunjin replied.
"Ha! Dream on."

"You wanna bet?"
"Don't be a brat."
"You're the brat, asshole."

"You'll be punished for saying those words!"
"Bring it, ass.hole."
"You bitch."

"Sigh, I'm sure they'll love you guys too.", Felix says and smiles to himself as the other two argue.

Meanwhile, Chan and Jeongin were walking through the park, where Felix and his boyfriends were having their picnic, while eating ice cream.

"Did you have fun today?", Chan asks.
"Yes I did."

"I'm glad."
"Did you?"
"As long as you're here I'm happy either way."

Jeongin cheeks blushed a light pink.

"Hey, do you hear that?"
"It sounds like..Hyunjin?"

Chan went to follow his voice with the younger right behind him.

"Hyunjin?", he called. The three of them turned around and saw him with Jeongin.

"Hyung?", said Hyunjin.
"Jeon?", said Felix.
"Felix? What are you doing here?", the younger asked.

"Having a picnic. You?"
"Eating ice cream."

"Wow. What a coincidence.", Hyunjin spoke to Chan.
"Yeah. I heard your bitching so I came running."

"Ha ha, very funny. It was Minho's fault."
"Mhm..sure. Well I need to get back to my date.", he said then looks at Jeongin.

"Wait. You're dating Jeon?", Felix asks.

"What?! The same person that couldn't stand being around people is now dating one?!"

"The anxiety pills really help and so does Chan."
"And you didn't tell me!"

"I thought you knew."
"No, I did not know!"
"Ji knows."

"You told Ji and not me?!"
"I thought he told you. He blabs about everything."

"You're supposed to tell me!"
"Lix, calm down. You'll put stress on the baby.", Minho informed.

"Baby?", said the younger.
"What baby?", Chan asks.
"Lix is pregnant with our baby.", Hyunjin answered.

"What?!", the older yelled. Jeongin walks away.

"Jeon-", Felix tries to stand and Minho helps him up.
"Jeongin, wait!"

The younger turns to him abruptly. "Why didn't you tell me your pregnant?"

"The same reason why you didn't tell me you're dating my boyfriend's friend."

"Screw that! This is much more important than my social life."
"No it's not, especially someone like you."

"You're having a baby! That's literally life changing!"

"And going on dates with someone that everyone would least expect especially when that someone has anxiety to the extreme isn't?"

"Yes! Definitely!"

The other three heard Felix and Jeongin yelling back and forth as they eat some of the fruit Minho bought.

"Sigh, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I still think you dating someone is just as important, at least to me."

"I'm sorry too."
They both go in for a hug.
"How long are you?", Jeongin asks.

"A month and a half."
"A month?!", he lets go of Felix.
"And a half."

"You didn't tell me for a month?!"
"It technically already had been a month when I found out!"

"You're not even showing."
"Really? Ji and Seung told me that I was."

"I'll show you later."
"Who's is it?"

"Who knows. I was with both of them so. But you. How have you and Chan hyung been?"

"We are good."
"How long."
"This is our tenth date."

"You're counting?"
"What's wrong with that?"
"Did you kiss yet?"

"Ugh no. I can't do it."

"Cause every time I get close I just freak and back away. And I don't want him to wait so long."

"You need to just do it. Don't think too much."
"Does that help?"

"Yeah. Quick and easy."
"But I want my first to be slow and sensual."

"You've been thinking a lot about this, huh?"
"How can I not. He's totally opposite from me and yet he likes me."

"You worry over nothing. It's simple love."
"Love? Are you saying I love him?"
"Do you?"

Jeongin looks over at the older seeing him laughing with the others and reminisces the wonderful times he spent with him. His smile always made him smile as well.

"Maybe you're right. He does mean a lot to me. And I can breathe around him."

"So tell him."
"Ok I'll do it."

"Or should I wait for him to say it?"
"Either is fine but I think he wouldn't expect you to say it first."

"Because you're so nervous all the time he won't think you will say it."

"Oh my god! I will be nervous!"
"When the time is right you won't be."

The younger takes a deep breath.
"Ok. I'll do it."

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