Questions and Answers

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Felix gestured Minho and Hyunjin to come in. They followed Felix to the living room where his friends were.

"Guys this is my boyfriend Hyunjin and my other boyfriend Minho.", he introduced.

"And here are my friends, Seungmin, Jeongin, and Jisung." They all bowed as they were introduced to each other.

"Please come. Dinner is ready.", Seungmin said. They sat down and ate their dinner in an awkward silence.

"Ahem. So how did y'all become friends?", Hyunjin broke the silence.

"We were in the same dorm in college.", Seungmin answered.
"But me and Felix were besties for years before then.", Jisung added.

"You guys must be like a family then.", Hyunjin said.
"Oh yeah totally."

"What do y'all do for a living?", Jisung asked.
"Well they both work in a company but Minho has his own.", Felix answered.

"Ohh so you're like rich rich.", Jisung said.
"Uhm..yeah I guess you can say that.", Minho replied.


After dinner they all sit down in the living room while Seungmin and Felix were doing the dishes.

"Oh Hyunjin hyung. I forgot to ask how you met Felix.", Jisung spoke.

"Oh we met at the mall. He was on his way to the bathroom and I accidentally swung the door open and it hit him in the face. It was pretty funny."

"Mhm.", Jisung nodded.
"So are you guys together as well or is it just y'all sharing Felix."

Jeongin looked at Jisung with a 'What are you talking about' look.

"Um yes we're all together.", Hyunjin answers.
"I see. Minho hyung I heard you're birthday was yesterday. How was it? What did you do?"

But before he could answer Felix entered. "Jisung can I talk to you for a bit?" He pulled him out the room and into the nearest bathroom and shut the door.

"What the hell are you doing?!", Felix whispered yelled.

"What do you mean? I'm just trying to get to know them.", Jisung said calmly.

"No you're not. You're trying to get information about them like a spy!"

"That's crazy. Why I would I do that?"
"I told you not to do ANYTHING!" Felix's whisper yelling was getting louder.

"I just ask a question why are you getting upset?"
"Arg! Ugh!" Felix was about to strangle him.

"Sigh. Ok how about you sit there and just don't say anything until they leave ok? Not a word."

"What if they ask me a question?"
"I'll answer! Just shut up and sit there."

They exit the bathroom and joined the others. Felix in between Minho and Hyunjin, who's arms wrapped around him.

"Hrmph.", Jisung pouted.
A few minutes later Felix walked his boyfriends out.

"I hope you had a good time. I know my friends can a little be weird.", Felix said.

"No I had fun tonight. They seem nice.", Hyunjin responded.

"But the one named Jisung, he was asking a lot of odd questions.", Minho added.

"Pay him no mind. He's just like that. He means no harm."
"It's ok don't worry."

The three hugged and kissed each other goodbye before Felix went back inside.

"Do they like us?", Jisung asked.
"Yeah y'all are good. Except for you Ji.", Felix replied.

"What! Why?"
"Well maybe it's the fact that you asked so questions they felt like they were being interrogated."

"I had to check them out. Plus you act like I'm the only person who asks questions when first meeting someone."

"You can ask questions just not odd ones that people feel uncomfortable."

"Sorry. Maybe I won't show up next time."
"It'll do us a favor.", Jeongin spoke out. Jisung threw a pillow at his face.


The next day Felix was awoken by a loud banging noise. He turned over and placed a pillow over his head. But it didn't help.

"Ugh! What the actual shit is that?!" Felix aggressively got out of bed to go see where that awful noise was coming from.

He hears it from outside and steps out through the front door to see Seungmin on a ladder hanging up something while Jisung and Jeongin were taking things out of the garage.

"Yah! Seungmin!!", Felix yelled out. But he didn't hear cause of him banging something.

Once he stops Felix yelled again.
"Seungmin! What the hell are you doing?!"

"What does it look like? I'm putting up the decorations it fell down."

"You woke me up you know."
"Why where you sleeping? It's almost three."

"I need my beauty sleep. Now stop with the banging." Felix went back inside.

Jisung tapped Jeongin's shoulder and as soon as he turned around he screamed his dolphin scream and jumped.

"Hahaha!", Jisung laughed out loud while holding a fake spider.
"Screw you Ji!", Jeongin yelled.

"Oh you should've seen the look on your face! "AHHH!" Hahhahaha!"
"You're dead."

Jeongin started chasing Jisung to get him back.
"Guys careful.", Seungmin told them.

Felix went back to his room and plopped face down on the bed. His phone rings.

"Ughhh.", he groans and picks it up. "Hello?", he grumbled.

"Hey Felix it's me. Are you ok?"
"Uh..yes. Yes I am. Why? Who's this?"

"It's Minho. Are you sure you're alright?"
"Minho hey! I just didn't sleep much and my head hurts."

"Do you want me to come by?"
"Nooo. You're ok. I trust you."

Minho was confused on what Felix was saying.

"Hold tight I'm on my way." Minho hangs up.

"Minho? Minho?", Felix talks to a black screen.

Minho arrives at Felix's and gets out the car.

"Jeongin.", Minho calls. Jeongin turned around.

"Oh Minho hi."
"Is Felix inside?"
"Yeah in his room probably."

Minho walks inside. Jeongin was curious of why he was here but he shrugged it off.

Minho enters Felix's room only to find him not there. "Felix?" He heard a noise coming from the bathroom.  

He knocked on the door and slowly opened it. "Felix?" He saw him sitting on the floor next to the toilet.

"Oh my god! Felix!", Minho ran to him. He felt his cheek and his forehead.

"You're burning up."
"Minnie?", Felix said softly.
"Yes Felix I'm here." 

Minho picks him up bridal style and carries him to his room. He gently lays him on the bed then goes to get a cloth and a bowl of cold water.

He comes back and Felix is panting and breathing heavily.

"Felix?", Minho lightly taps his face. "Ughm.", he groaned.
"Stay with me ok baby.", he tried to remain calm and not panic.

Minho took off Felix's shirt and dabs the wet cloth on his skin.
"You're gonna be ok love."

"Min..min.", Felix mumbled.
"Yes. Yes Minnie is here.", he grabs Felix's limp hand and holds it.

Felix stops moving and passes out. "FELIX? FELIX!", he voice started to crack.

He hurriedly takes out his phone to call Hyunjin and the ambulance.

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