What's your News?

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Jisung was with Felix at the kitchen table telling what he can and can't eat.

"Felix, no!", he snatches a bag of chips away from the younger.
"You know you're not supposed eat this."

"Oh come on. I can't eat anything anymore.", Felix pouted.
"Eat your yogurt."

Felix tsked to himself as he plays with his food.

"Did you tell them yet?", Jisung asks.

"Do you plan to?"
"Of course I do. I just...don't know how."

"You better decide soon. You're showing already."
"No I'm not. It's my abs."

The younger stands and lifts up his shirt.
"Pfft. It won't be there forever.", he chuckles.

"You laugh now, just wait till you're in my position.", he sits back down.

"Please. Seungmin will be carry the baby, not me."
"In your dreams."

Seungmin replied as he enters the room.
"Hey, Lix. How you feeling?"
"Ji won't let me eat anything."

"You told me to help. I'm helping."
"Felix, did you tell your boyfriends yet?"

"No he hasn't.", Jisung answered.
"Ji! What the hell?!"
"Why not? You're showing."

"I know! I know. Just..give me time."


Felix was with his boyfriends at Minho's house washing dishes after eating. He brings his plate and hands it to Minho.

"You've barely eaten. Are you alright?", asked the older.
"I wasn't that hungry."

"I don't want you to starve yourself.", Hyunjin says as he places his hand on Felix's cheek.

"Trust me, I won't. It's...something else."
"What is it?"

"I don't want y'all to be mad at me for this.", he turns away.
"What happened, Felix.", Minho asked. He stops what he's doing.

"I..I'm." He takes a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant.", he shuts his eyes awaiting of what the other two will say.

But neither of them said a word. Just silence. Felix opens his eyes and looks at the two as they stare at him.

"Well?", Felix spoke.
"Aren't you gonna say something?"

Hyunjin walks up to him slowly and reaches out his hand to touch the younger's face.

"Are you sure?", he asks softly. The younger nods in response.

Hyunjin rests his hands on the other's belly and gently rubs it then smiles.

"Wow. It's really there.", he turned to Minho.
"Min? What's wrong?"

The older shed tears unconsciously and he felts those tears slide down his face. Felix went to him and wiped them away.

"You'd be a great Appa, Lee Minho.", the younger assured then the older engulfed him into a hug.

"I love you."


Jeongin was going on a walk with Chan through the city just roaming and looking around.

"What's wrong? You look down.", Chan asks.
"Oh..just thinking."

Chan stopped his tracks and faces the other.

"Jeongin, even though it's our seventh date, I can tell when something's bothering you."

"It doesn't really bother me. It's just hard not to think about it."
"That's exactly what bothering means."

"So you know everything about me then?"
"Not everything...yet.", he smirked.

The younger blushed a little as he twiddled his fingers.

"But I do know you always twiddle your fingers when you're nervous.", he continued walking.

Jeongin quickly removed his hands and placed them in his pockets as he follows him. 

"It's just that someone called me, from your phone, and they said to stay away from you."

"It was probably my sister. She's always over protective ever since..."

"Since what?"
"Oh, not important. She just doesn't want me with anyone."

"I don't know, she sounded very threatening."
"Oh she is. But she doesn't mean anything by it."

Chan got close to the younger's face.

"No one can get between us.", he said seriously then gave a wide smile.

"Are you hungry? Let's eat somewhere.", Chan said.

Jeongin face was red as his heart beats fast from the older being so close to his face. After he snaps out of his thoughts, he follows the other to a restaurant.


After their meal, Chan walks Jeongin home.

"Here we are.", said the older.
"Um..c-can I try to..kiss you again?"

Chan's face flushed red.
"Yeah sure.", he closes his eyes.

Jeongin slowly made his closer to the other. He was only an inch away before he backed up in retreat.

"I'm s-sorry. I'll see you t-tomorrow.", he hurriedly went inside embarrassed.

"How many is that, 4? I'll keep waiting, cutie.", the older sighs and heads home.

Flashback ~

After their third date Chan was walking Jeongin home in silence.

"Have you ever thought about kissing anyone?", Chan asked breaking the silence.

"Uh..h-have you?"

"Well, he's smart, tall, nervous pretty much all the time. And cute." "Oh, they sound interesting."

"Indeed. Now you answer."

"Um..well, I like his hair. It's fluffy like a cloud. And the way he smiles where you can see the dimples. I think he's straightforward but also kind and patient.", he smiles as he explains while thinking about him.

"Hm..he sounds dreamy."
"Yes he is."
"Would you tell me if that person is me?"

Chan laughs to himself.
"What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing. You're cute though."
The younger's face brightens red.

The older looks at him.
"I..want..to kiss you, but..I-"

"Hey, it's ok. Being here now means you like me, right?"
"I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm in no rush."
"Are you sure?"

"I'll tell you what. I'll give a chance to kiss me when you're ready to and after some time if you want me to do it, I will. Just say the word. Deal?"

Jeongin nods in agreement. He takes hold of the other's hand and holds it. Chan looks down at it then back at his face that the younger smiles at him with.

"Bye, Jeongin.", he smiled back.
"Bye.", he lets go of his hand and heads inside.

"Sigh, he's so cute.", Chan says then walks home.

End of Flashback ~

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