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I can't get that fucking name out of my head.

And it hasn't been because I fucking want to, even because I fucking care.

But it hasn't literally been one single fucking day I hasn't heard or seen that goddamn name everywhere.

Ever since that incident with that beast Deku shot, his name has been all over the fucking news, highlighting, emphasizing and idolizing that "military hero" that has been saving day after day along with the army.

That bastard didn't in the slightest make that day be just luck, cause now, incident after incident in more than this prefecture, he has assisted in the most complicated cases to put an end to any fucking maniac doing shit the city.

I don't know why they're making so much publicity for the army now. I don't know why right now they're having so much fame, I don't know why after that appearance of Deku.., they're giving so much credit to the soldiers that just fucking support the true heroes of this goddamn country.

I don't know.

I don't, and I don't fucking wanna find an answer either.

But all this it's definitely getting into my goddamn nerves more than I can handle.


"Mh?" The bastard responds next to me, turning to see Kirishima as he finishes putting on his shirt.

And that other idiot can't hide fucking looking at the naked body in front, nor be discreet when it looks like he's eating him all with his eyes. "I... I mean, I was wondering if.., you know.., you're doing something today?"

"Oh! No, I'm free. Why?"

"Well, I.., I thought we could go somewhere, like.., have a drink?"

"God, yes! I definitely need some alcohol and chill from this shitty day. Who's going? Hey Hanta, let's drink with Kiri today!"

I roll my fucking eyes. God, Kirishima is such a dumb for this.

I open my mouth to do him the fucking favor, however, by then Hanta was already sticking his head out and saying; "Shit yeah, let's drink! Who else is coming? Bakugo, you're in, aren't you, man?"

I am fucking not.

"Of course!" Shitty hair says, his arm on my shoulders, whispering to me; "Please, don't let me go all alone, bro".


"Come on, man..."

I swear to God, shitty hair, to God...

I sigh. Hard, big, pissed.

"You owe me one, you idiot".

* * *

The night has been nothing but all the dumbs talking and laughing like hyenas. I can't say I'm sick of it, sometimes it's not that bad to be with these bitches, especially when they're drunk.

"Hell no!" Sero snaps, laughing more, pointing at Kaminari in front. "No way, dude! If there's anyone here who's more of a slut than me, then it's that bastard".

"What the fuck are you talking about, shut up" He says back, laughing, rolling his eyes and drinking more of his beer. "I bet you fuck so much more than I do".

Sero shakes his head, everyone looking at him, waiting for an answer. "Well, now that you say it so confidently... I kinda doubt"

"Why?" Says Pink Cheeks.

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