G o o d N i g h t

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What's good at night
If I am not right?
I badly want you in my sight
Because you are my light

My world is full of darkness
That I can feel the emptiness
And everywhere is about lonliness
And it feels like im worthless

And then one day you arrived
I feel so alive
That even the deepest ocean I can dive
And I feel revive

You came to my life
Just like a knife
That can slice your heart
And now I am hurt

Its like every happiness there is sadness
I can feel it that I could be reckless
Because you let me feel that I am worthless

Every night I always cried
I feel that my heart died
Because of a sh*t ride
That thinking you are always at my side

Then  I wake up in the morning
Lying down in bed still thinking
What I am doing?
And there I am just wasting


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