H o w t o D r i v e a C a r ?

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I'm learning to drive
Road's been pretty rough
I can barely feel alive
Been acting so tough
I don't think i can survive
All i can do is to laugh
And  jam to the music with jive

Load's been heavier lately
There's a lot of buttons and lever to push and pull
But asking me okay is rarely
Nowhere to go and pullover
Steering the wheel unconsciously
pressures is on its way to full
I just might go and kaboom

The path I've followed
Take turns that I can't handle
Someone is already renowned
Life's been a cradle
I can't do this anymore
It's funny that this car is just borrowed
thinking how can i return it coz i don't want it anymore

It's easier to just fixed and pay
Making life easier and drive
Can't afford it so i needed to play
All i need to do is to thrive
But mind's losing everyday
No destination to go and stay
So I'll just wait here til i die


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