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Author POV

"Come on jimin, we are gonna be late." Jin said as they were going somewhere important, feeling the need to punish someone. But no they were just Missing her that is why they were going to her house.

"Coming hyung, tell me what about these?" Jimin asked with a pair of golden handcuffs hanging on his index finger.

All his brothers face palmed themselves seeing him being so stupid. When he know they can't do anything now other than kisses than why being so fucking brainless.

"Jimin, don't let me come to you and slap your ass with Jin hyungs slippers." Yoongi threatened him being so done with him and to make him stop with his without brain things.

He got scared and quickly ran to his room throwing the cuffs on his bed and came back in a second not knowing where the hell this much speed came from.

They got in their van and drove off to her house missing her more with the seconds passing by. Yoongi was driving.

They reached and opened the door silently even if she was sleeping. They needed to be careful her parents are smart, they have put sensors in their house that if someone try to get into their forcefully they will know.

They went in and inhaled the homey scent of her house that never fades away, no matter how much times they have came in here.

They went to her room that was on the First floor, they have two floors in the house, one is ground floor and the other one is first floor. They usually go into her room from the pipe that was near her rooms window. But today no one was there so they went in from the front door.

They went inside her room closing her room with the slightest this and casually sat on her bed, staring at her intently.

She, who was unknown to this, stirred a little in her sleep that revealed her stomach as her t-shirt went up.

They boys gazes darkened looking at her not so innocent act in her sleep and they licked their lips.

Jimin, who was the closest to her took out chloroform from his pocket and spread it on his hankey, just a little so that she won't be up for a hour or something and keep it on her nose without putting much pressure.

She frowned a little at the cut off supply of oxygen but then become as calm as a dead man.

Jimin kept the hankey away and side layed beside her with his hand supporting his weight as he smiled darkly at her, feeling his inner demon coming out. His eyes are darkened to this extent that he couldn't see anything other than her.

All the boys are no good too. They are feeling the same but maknae line are the worst. They would just want to pounce onto her while she is sleeping and fuck her senselessly.

Jimin was the first one to make a move, he sided away her bangs with his fingers while saying"why are you so innocent yet so seductive?You make go crazy everytime I see you."

He said as if she was listening to him and will respond to him soon. He snuggled in her neck making her smile a little in her sleep as her skin have always been so ticklish.

He placed small and wet kisses here and there, as other boys recorded her expression that were changing, sometimes smiles, sometimes frowns and sometimes seems like being pleased.

She was enjoying it, it was visible form her expression. She hummed here and there too.

"You taste sweeter than before, baby." Jimin hummed to himself contented with her being in his arms.

Others came too and started kissing every part of her body that was visible but being careful to not make any sort of mark.

After sometime when they were satisfied they fixed her clothes and just sat around her looking at her with pure love and adoration in their eyes.

A few minutes went by, they were just fixated on their places not moving an inch and not their eyes too.

A phone call got their attention, it was tae's phone. He quickly picked it up and went to a corner ready to shout at whoever the hell called him when he is with his love.

They boys looked at him as his eyes widened but after a second his face became ice cold and he said"we will be there ." In his cold and deep voice.

The boys shared a confused look between them and asked him what was it and why did he told them that they will come soon when they are with their love.

Tae sighed and rubbed his forehead with his index finger and thumb as if frustrated. He said"they are coming here".

The boys faces turned cold as they listened to him, they should have known about this and told them no. But they don't care about their own children then how the fuck will they care about their talks.

Yes, it was their parents and grandparents. They have always been like this. When they were not successful, they always nagged them about being burden and when they are successful they would just come anytime to bother them being married and all.

They all did things that one do when he or she is angry like gritting their teeth and clenching their fists.

Namjoon and Yoongi were calm though. They looked at each other with serious faces and nodded.

Namjoon said" boys, we need to go now. Baby needs to rest and we need to meet some people."

They looked at him and then at their love sleeping with a cute pout on her lips and nodded while smiling softly looking at her.

They got up and kissed her forehead one by one and went out of her room. Last one to go was Jin, he covered her with duvet and went out.

They went outside and their whole demanour changed from soft to dangerous within a second.

They sat in their van and departured to their mansion. They reached home in 15 minutes and changed their clothes to more formal ones.

They sat on the sofa and ordered maids to bring them glasses of juice. They were just drinking it when they heard a shrill voice calling them.

"My sons." Their mother screamed in her shrill voice as she was smiling very widely that looked weird, her cheeks were so much streched with her arms wide open.

Their father and grandparents were coming behind her too smiling that clearly looked fake.

Their mother ran in front of Jungkook and hugged him, he didn't hugged back though. " My baby bunny." She again screamed and was about to kiss his forehead when he lightly pushed her away with his cold facade on.

Her smile went out of the window but just to save her dignity she smiled nervously and patted his shoulders.

"Have a seat." Namjoon said in a cold voice and they obeyed. They didn't even greet them just was gawking at the mansion that was all decorated with diamonds.

The boys are recording their reactions and being done with them Yoongi cleared his throat and leaned back while crossing his legs and asked them "so, why are you here?" In his cold and deep voice.

They visibly gulped and their grandfather smiled at them showing off his yellow teeth and said" why, can't we meet our beautiful diamonds?"

They chuckled with no humour and jimin said" and which diamonds you are talking about?"

"The one that are in front of us." Their father, almost dazed, said looking at the chandelier that was in the kitchen but was visible from the living room and the kitchen was behind the sofa they boys were sitting on.

The boys glared at them icily and clenched their fists controlling themselves. They are here just for money.

After some seconds their grandmother that was silent and was drooling over the kitchen utensils that are shining like diamonds that they are said" so when are you getting married? All of you."

That was the last straw.......

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