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Author's POV

Y/n came out of her school stretching her arms over her head.

She yawned a little covering her mouth.

The test went good but she was very tired from sitting on the benches all day.

She looked around, the guys had told her that they will be coming to pick her up.

But she can't see them anywhere.

Just then she felt someone covering her eyes and kiss on her neck from behind.

She got startled and flinched badly.

"Guess who? " A girly voice whispered in her ear.

She gasped and then remembered only one person likes to kiss her neck.

"Rosé unnie? " The said girl squealed and hugged her tightly.

"You still remember me? " She said

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"You still remember me? " She said.

"Oh my god, i- i still can't believe you are here. When did you came back? Did your studies got completed? And you still is the same. You kissed my neck like you used to. " She started blabbering.

"Aww, my baby is so happy to see me. I came back last week. I went to your house to meet you but you weren't there, nor were your parents. I called them and they told me about their leaving and you living with their bosses. " Rosé made a weird face at their mention.

Rosé became her friend fortunately, just by mistake.

Rosé had gotten her periods suddenly and she didn't had a pad with her.


"Ugh, it's hurting. I should have took one with me prior. What do I do now? " Rosé said holding her stomach.

Only if she was more aware, she wouldn't be in this situation right now.

She leaned her head back on the seat, closing her eyes.

She was outing with some of her friends, she was coming back after bidding farewell when she realised the pain in her stomach.

She sat on the bus stop bench nearby.

She also had worn white jeans today.

She was officially fucked now.

She should have atlest brought a jacket along with her.

She was tired of cursing herself now.

Just when she was about to cry on her situation, somebody tapped on her knee that made her flinch.

"Are you okay, unnie? " A sweet voice asked.

Rosé looked beside her just to see a girl looking like 12 to 13 years old staring at her with worried eyes.

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