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Author POV

That was the last straw of the boys patience. They looked at each other with sickening smiles and laughed out loudly like psychopaths, that they are.

Their family members were confused so they frowned and looked at each other.

Their mother licked her lips and nervously chuckled"my sons, why are you laughing?"

Suddenly they become dead serious and looked at them with cold and hard eyes.

Yoongi said" what to do then? When you said this much humourous thing. That doesn't even make sense."

Their grandmother fumed at that and threw the glass away from which she was drinking juice.

She stood up and started shouting at them while they maintained unbothered faces provoking her more.

She shouted"you good for nothings, pieces of shits. Don't you know how to respect your elders. Is this what we teach you. Look at your parents they can't even stand in front of us and you are shamelessly disrespecting us."

The maknaes openly yawned in her face and her jaw touched the floor.

She glared at them as Jin stood in front of her with his hands in his pocket"if you are done, then the door is right there. I hope to see you soon....granny"

He said granny in a mocking tone with a smirk and she looked at him with hateful eyes and after taking her sling bag went away.

Their other family members were just glaring at them when all of the boys stood up in a line with their hands in pockets and Hoseok said" we don't need to make a announcement for you now. Didn't hyung said earlier the door is right there. I hope you will come.....Never again"

He said with mocking smile on his face and waved them bye as they went away glaring at them lastly.

When they went away the boys sat on the sofa comfortably and a maid cleaned the broken glass from the floor, but a glass pierced her skin lightly and she hissed.

They boys looked at her with a bored look and jimin smirked walking up to her. He looked down at her and commanded"get up!"

She got up slightly shivering cause he said it normally but for her it was sensual like so much sensual that she was already wet.

She bit her lips and tried to provoke him thinking he will just take her in his bed but he isn't going to cheat on his baby.

She said"yes master!"with a low voice and tugged her hairs behind her ear.

Jimin made a disgusted face and called gaurds and told them to throw her away from their mansion not because she tried to provoke him but because she was always doing something behind their backs in their rooms like sniffing their clothes and all sickening things. They have seen her doing this many times and she was getting on their nerves that is why they threw her away.

Of course he know what she was doing and why. He was not a mafia, a king at that for nothing.

The girl tried to stop the gaurds and threw a tantrum clinging on jimin's arms as if she is his girlfriend and he will save her like a prince charming from some goons.

Jimin dusted her off his clothes and walked away, sat on the sofa like a king and watched with a boring gaze as the gaurds threw her away.

The girl's POV

" How dare you insult me like that? I know you are just pretending to be not bothered by me. I know you are having desires for me too. I will make sure to make you mine, till then stay happy my loves. I will come soon to get you all."she said with a sadist smirk living in her own fantasy, standing outside the mansion.
Time Skip

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