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Next morning
Author POV

She got up in the arms of her father and smiled being contented in his arms.

He was and is her safe place. She snuggled up at him more and sighed.

She haven't remember about the last night incident yet.

She noticed her mother was not there. She untangled herself from her father and streched her body.

She looked at her father and he was sleeping with a little smile on his face. She giggled and kissed his cheek silently not wanting to wake him up.

She went to her streching and yawning and when she opened her room's door, her yawn got struck in her throat and her eyes widened.

Her whole room was decorated with red hearts, balloons and many, many pictures of herself on the walls, on the tv, on the wardrobe door, even on her door's indside. On her bed was gifts many and many gifts that were decorated with red ribbons.

There was also a big I lOVE YOU on a wall.

She was just looking at it shook when her mother came inside from behind her calling her for breakfast but stopped seeing the condition of her room.

She was aghast and her eyes widened, she looked at her daughter who was looking scared and was about to cry but she can't let her daughter break down like that just in her presence.

(You can imagine photos, the whole room is filled with them

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(You can imagine photos, the whole room is filled with them.)

Her mother thought of a plan and laughed lightly and hugged her daughter from behind although she was shook from inside but not to scare her daughter off she planned this.

She said in her daughter's ear"you like it baby. I did this for you, you were sad yesterday right. I did this to cheer you up. I don't like my baby being sad cause of small things."

Y/n turned her head towards her mother bewildered and asked her mother" you did it mumma?"

Her mother nodded her head and kissed her cheek but the next thing her daughter said made her more shocked.

"So you were the one who came in my room yesterday night?" Y/n asked innocently tilting her head to side.

Her mother tried hard to contain her expression cause she was scared but didn't wanted to show it in front of her daughter.

What her daughter is experiencing, this is not what she wanted her daughter's life to be. She is just 16 and here she is being stalked without her knowledge. How much her innocent daughter gonna suffer.

She was close to crying but held herself and said"yes baby, it was me. I just wanted to check on you but you got scared."

The moment was interrupted by her father who came in yawning but got his mouth wide opened at the room's interior.

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