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Someone POV

"Hmmm, my love. How beautiful can you be?" I looked at her from the camera who just came into the room pouting.

I could tell by her face only that she was shy and embarrassed a little.

I just saw what the 'son of bitches' did but it's not in my hands now.

I will make sure to get her soon and i wouldn't even let her go away from my embrace.

She sighed and pouted a little more and sat on the bed folding her hands on her chest.

"Goddamn it!!! Fuck it!!!" I hissed.

She then got up and went to the closet.

She took a dress and some sexy lace and went away dancing into the bathroom.

This is a good thing that the motherfuckers have not set cameras in her bathroom or else it would have been a problem to all of them.

To my baby too. Because i know i wouldn't have been able to control myself.

I just hummed a song till she came out from the bathroom.

But there is a problem, she is hiding her face.

What?? What is it???

"Baby, remove your hand. Remove your hand ,darling." I said looking at the screen, as if she could hear me.

Then suddenly she held her stomach and slid down the wall. god!!


I think it's the time of her month, damn it!!!

Ummmm, I need to do something. She is in so much pain, I can see it.

Before I could jump out of my seat, one of those fuckers entered her room.

I think his name is jin.

He was calling out to her.

She didn't replied and I could see the worry on the fuckers face.

Huh, pretend bitch!!! I know that you don't fucking care.

But that was not my problem right now.

My baby is in pain, I need to focus on her.

I know how does it feel like to have that pain.

After a minute or two, he saw her and he looked frantic after seeing her in that position.

He went to her and took her in his arms.

I could see he was saying something to her.

He went to her bed and laid her down.

She was looking at him with tears in her eyes.

It pains me to see you cry baby, please don't do that.

He quickly went out of the room, screaming something to, I guess his brothers.


After the talk with MR.BAE, i thought of checking up on my princess.

She was looking stressed when she told about the test, but i know my girl is good in studies.

I went into the room and she was not on the bed.

I saw that she was sitting besides the bathroom door.

I thought something happened again.

I went to her and asked what happened, she was hiding her face.

"Baby, what happened?? Is there something in the bathroom?? Are you in pain somewhere?" I asked her but got no response.

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