Sunoo was now left alone in their new apartament Sunghoon will not be coming back for at least 3 hours. now was his time to think thru everything that happened today. and it was a lot. first he saw Niki after almost a year. he still looks handsome as ever. duh. second why is his heart fluttering because of his ex? and third why does he feel guilty? and why he acts like that?
but his mind kept going only to the first topic. his ex. how he changed so much yet not at all. he would always kiss Sunoo's hand and he didn't miss it today. he was always this type to be a gentleman and apparently he still is. but is there someone else Niki is doing this for or was it only him. Sunoo really wishes it's only him. but Niki really grew; his features matured and he got even taller, and musclier. he could imagine how would it feel to have his strong arms holding him or how would it be to lay his head on youngers hard chest and how good would it be to have his legs thrown over his broad shoulders while he keeps hitting this perfect point. okay that's too much. they broke up long ago yet one meeting sends him into this headspace.
he has a boyfriend for gods sake. he moved on. HE. MOVED. ON. yeah no shit he didn't. what about Sunghoon he can't leave him. he doesn't want to leave. Sunghoon is always so caring so loving. so safe. great, just so great what is it all about. Sunoo shifted on their just-made bed trying hard to think of his boyfriend and not about his certainly too handsome ex.
"i don't know noonoo maybe you just feel guilty" Yeonjun spoke on the other side of the line trying his best to help. "i mean you didn't really disclose anything with him you just left and cut him out completely. so maybe now that you saw him you thought how unfair it was to do so." Sunoo hummed. it's possible but why would he feel like that. anyways it's the most logical reason. "but how do i apologize to him anyways". oh this oblivious guy Yeonjun thought "call him. he's clearly the one that handles their apartament business today so use this number if you deleted his. but set a meetup don't just say it on the phone. I'm hanging up now bye bye." he didn't even wait for the answer just cut the line and returned to his bedroom." took you long enough" bunny-like boy smiled at him cutely putting back his phone. "yeah sorry about that" blonde replied already snuggling into his JUST BEST FRIEND'S chest.
Sunoo on the other side already made his mind about what to do. he will call Niki now and ask him to visit him in their apartament now and apologize. and then done he can happily live with Sunghoon. he still had a lot of time before his boyfriend comes back and the sooner he does the better. so he forced himself to not think more of it and just call. "hello?" Niki picked up almost right away. does hi still have his phone number saved like Sunoo does? "umm hi. it's me Sunoo". chcukles. that's what he heard after his greeting. so he'll hang up now. okay at least he tried. "i know. can i help you with something?" to Sunoo's surprise Niki responded. "yes. agh i mean... oh umm." Sunoo stuttered suddenly his face getting red. "just say it i don't bite" he heard from the other side and got even redder at that comment. "can you come to my apartament please?" he finally managed to ask. "oh is something wrong with the apartament. please wait a little i'll go there right away." of course Niki assumed it's about the apartament what else would Sunoo want from him. "everything is okay i just think we need to talk." he decided to clear the situation. "okay. give me about 15 minutes. bye for now." " yes see you". Sunoo finished the call and went to change out of his pyjamas. he chose blue fuzzy sweater and regular straight jeans. he looked at himself in the mirror and noticed his pink hair faded so much it almost looks orange. "okay i'll refresh the color next week" he spoke to himself and went to book a visit on his phone.
just as he was done with his thing he heard the doorbell ring. "who's there?" he checked already knowing the answer. "it's Niki" simple statement came from the other side so Sunoo tapped the unlock button and let him in. after 3 minutes Niki was already in his apartament making himself at home on the sofa. "you look beautiful tonight" was first thing Sunoo heard when he came back from the kitchen with water Niki requested. he looked up surprised his face getting red "i mean you looked beautiful in the morning too you always look beautiful i just didn't mention it in front of your..." he clearly misinterpreted why Sunoo got flustered "boyfriend. he is my boyfriend". he informed and sat down keeping his distance from Niki. "so what do you want to talk about?" he asked. "ah yes i wanted to apologize" Sunoo started straight away. but younger furrowed his eyebrows "apologize?" he was absolutely not expecting to hear that. "yes. apologize. i don't think it was fair to just ghost you like this and it was our both fault not only yours but i blamed everything on you and just ignored it. so you deserve my apology" Sunoo spoke boldly. "there's nothing to be sorry about. i didn't reach out either" younger of the two finally spoke "but if you are apologizing then i should do too. I'm sorry for not trying to contact you. and for letting you just walk out back then not carrying if something happends to you." "truce then?" Sunoo reached out his hand happy he was over with it. "yes truce" Niki shook his hand again leaving soft kiss on it at the end. "so tell me about this Sunghoon guy. does he treat you well?" Niki casually asked. "yes of course. actually i met him the day we broke up. he's from Jeju and he saved me from the rain that day." Sunoo spoke giving him overview of how they met. "ouch you moved on fast, that kind of hurts" younger replied half joking half serious. "we didn't date straight away you dummy" the older giggled and hit his ex's arm. "how about you are you seeing someone?" he continued their conversation. "nah noone caught my eye. it's hard to find someone better than you.". Sunoo found himself blushing at that statement but he tried to play it off with false confidence "obviously you can't upgrade from me.".
"love I'm back" Sunghoon anounced. Niki was now long gone and Sunoo was now in his pj's reading a book to kill time while waiting for his boyfriend's arrival. now he put his book back and went to embrace him and sneak in a little peck that made Sunghoon's heart flutter. "hi honnie how was practice?" "great they are letting us slack a little before classes start and how was your time here?" Sunoo let go of his boyfriend and directed the both to the kitchen. "fine i guess. a little boring but it's okay." of course he didn't mention Niki's visit. it would be weird. Sunghoon hummed observing the other preparing tea for them both. "you look so beautiful tonight." it was enough to grab younger's attention. Niki said the same thing merely 2 hours ago. "and every night. and every day. and your soul is so beautiful and everything about you makes me fall in love even deeper day by day. you make me truthly happy you know that?" Sunoo was shocked with sudden confession. he was now front facing his boyfriend his smaller hand's lightly held by the older one. "y-yes i know" was the only thing he could utter. what is happening just now? "and i want to keep it that way. i want to keep you. forever." Sunghoon now took one step away "you don't have to reply now. but i want to ask you this." he proceeded to fish something out of his pocket and drop down on one knee. Sunoo's eyes widened. if he's not wrong then Sunghoon is... "Kim Sunoo will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" yes he did that. just what Sunoo expected but he didn't know for shit how to respond. should he agree? Sunghoon loves him and he loves Sunghoon -or so he claims- but he never thought of marriage. and it's not even possible in Korea so how? million of thoughts ran thru his head but he still knew nothing. finally he gathered courage to look at his boyfriend and smiled lightly. then he reached his hand towards Sunghoon's one. "yes i will. i will marry you."
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The way I loved you Sunki/Sunsun
FanfictionSunoo reminescents his past lover while being seemingly happy with his fiancé.