Sunoo sat on a random bench in some random park on Jeju island the weather resembling his current state of heart. well to that, Sunoo's heart was going now thru the worst storm of them all. what was supossed to be a nice little vacation with his lover turned out to be the end of their relationship. he couldn't really tell how and why it happend but one second and it was all over as he was storming out of their shared hotel room with "let's end this" as only goodbye. now after some hours passed his emotions calmed down but he knew it was their finale. what's worse he was now drenched in cold water and had no idea how to get back to his hotel. without his phone or anything to keep him warm he just opted to sit on this bench forever. "what are you doing here in this weather. look at you all of your clothes are wet you will get sick". what Sunoo least expected was to be scolded by a handsome guy around his age who shielded him with his umbrella. as he was just staring shocked at his newfound companion the guy went on "come on you should go home and warm up let me walk you". at that Sunoo managed to shake his head as a no and turn away slightly. "what do you mean no. you can't stay here really, are you lost is this why you declined?" the boy wasn't easy to get rid of so Sunoo had no choice that to talk to him. "I'm not from here i am a tourist and yeah i am lost but either way i don't want to go to my hotel room" his voice came out hoarse and cracked from hours he spend crying there. the guy furrowed his brows "well then I'll take you to my house you can change in dry clothes and warm up a little. I'm not letting you stay here like that". "wha-" "I'm Park Sunghoon by the way" Sunghoon butted in as Sunoo was about to question him. " Kim Sunoo" the other replied "but it's really weird that you want to take me to your house I'd rather not" he voiced out his concerns. sure the guy was dropdead gorgeous even more than Ni- even more than his ex but still he was an absolute stranger and God knows what intentions he had. "i don't have any bad intentions you just looked like you needed help. if so then here take my umbrella at least" Sunghoon looked rather apologetic looks like he really just wanted to help him. "nn-no wait. I'll go with you" Sunoo stopped the guy in his tracks and ran up to him feeling bad for accusing him of such things.
Sunghoon's house looked like a typical 2+1 home it was a two story one still rather small two bedrooms plus one for guest on second floor kitchen with a dinner, bathroom and living room downstairs. Sunoo was now in the bathroom looking at himself in Sunghoon's clothes: simple jogger pants and black shirt. and cute pink sock with dogs on them. he took one last deep breath and and exited the bathroom to meet with Sunghoon already waiting for him with tea. "my parents said you can stay over for the night mom is literally making your bed right now" he chuckled "anyways i made you hot tea with ginger. are you hungry?" Sunoo sat down and grabbed mug with tea for him "thank you for tea and everything but i think i already overused your kindness. I'll just wait for my clothes to dry and leave.". "and go where" Sunghoon was really persistent this time and Sunoo just decided to surrender "i don't know". "actually you didn't tell me what ha-" Sunghoon's words were cut by his mom entering the room "oh dear. hello there I'm Kim Jiyoung. i seen hoon already made you tea. i prepared a room for you feel welcome please. are you hungry I'll make you some rice porridge." his mother said nearly stating that Sunoo will spend the night here. "ah thanks madame i already caused you enough trouble though i will just leave when my clothes dry up." Sunoo again declined their offer. the female though furrowed her eyebrows lightly and gently hushed Sunoo "it's no trouble dear and perhaps its to late for you to leave". she motioned to the clock which indeed showed almost 1 a.m. "so do you want that porridge -?" "it's Sunoo. Kim Sunoo and thanks but no i think I'm to tired to eat right now". at that she nooded her head and said "goodnight then Sunoo I'll head up first then". after some minutes he finished his tea and brought empty mug to the sink, bid his goodnight to Sunghoon and also headed upstairs.
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The way I loved you Sunki/Sunsun
FanfictionSunoo reminescents his past lover while being seemingly happy with his fiancé.