I'm comfortable

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"Sunghoon. i want to start of by clarifying that the painting was not an act. we intended it nude before when we were in a relationship but now as we were finishing it it was not." Sunoo started off by clearing up the painting situation. "we do have some classes together, even i model for the class that Niki is in, which i didn't know he was in beforehand." he paused letting Sunghoon take that in while also bracing himself for what was to come. "and i don't think it is Niki's intention to get back with me in fact he really takes care to keep his distance because I'm not single." he reached for his ring finger and Sunghoon automatically also looked there. "no Sunoo. please" he sobbed sensing what's coming. "you don't need to do that -we can work it out. really think about it please. i-i i... i can make you love me i know it..." he cried out all in one breath. "please". he looked really desperate making Sunoo feel pity for him but he couldn't change his mind. he still felt something for Niki it was undeniable. and his feelings for Sunghoon were definitely not that strong if he could so easily forget about him in presence of his ex. it would not be fair for Sunghoon if they continue this relationship. "no Sunghoon I'm sorry. we have to break up." he shook his head and placed the engagement ring on the coffee table. "i will go to stay at my parents house and pick up my stuff tomorrow. okay?" Sunghoon just nod his head. after some minutes Sunoo left with Sunghoon still sobbing on the same spot on the couch.

'ok. let's meet tomorrow'
'what time?'
Yeonjun's messages were the first thing he saw after opening his phone. '4?' he texted quickly, picking his father's phone number and calling immediatelly.
"dad? i broke up with Sunghoon can you pick me up?"
"... it's not your dad Sunoo." it was Niki. how did he mistook Niki's contact for his dad he did not know. but Niki took his silence as a cue to speak "i can take you to your parents house if you want. just tell me where you are."
"ah no need to sorry for calling you it was a mistake" Sunoo apologized quickly trying to hang up. "i think i see you, are you outside of your apartament? hop in it'll be faster" Niki urged and his car indeed approached Sunoo soon stopping in front of him. Niki went out to open the door for the other so he couldn't reject it anymore "I'm headed the same way anyway so it's no use to wait for your dad" he offered a gentle smile and went to start the car.

after a silent ride Sunoo was able to exit the youngers car but after trying the bell multiple times he was still waiting at the front door. he tried calling his dad first but to no avail, his mom also did not pick up. when he was almost ready to give up he felt someone's presence next to him. "seems like they are not home" the younger stated the obvious "yea" Sunoo hummed. "I'm just going shopping and then home. i don't want to leave you here like that so maybe you can go with me?"

the shop Niki was going to was an art supplies shop so the visit was super long as not only him but also Sunoo were constantly finding new things they needed (wanted) to have. after this costly retail therapy Sunoo felt lighter not only by the weight of his post-breakup thoughts but also by the weight of his wallet but still far more comfortable with everything that happened hours ago, still he couldn't help but think how Sunghoon was dealing with their breakup.

and Sunghoon was certainly not okay though he already left his crying spot in their apartament. actually he left the apartament but to see Yeonjun like the blonde boy offered. he tried to hold on and put his mind off Sunoo but after not much time he broke down sobbing into Yeonjun's chest.

Yeonjun and Sunghoon hmm?
please comment and let me know what you think 😘

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