🎨 Wally Darling in: A little Hand 🍎

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Scenario: Wally's having an issue getting an apple from an apple tree. Luckily a Kaiju reader is here to save the day.

Idea from: Mugmaya156

It was a warm, peaceful noon in the colorful neighborhood of Home. The sounds of birdsong and rustling leaves of the surrounding woods filled the air, and the sweet scent of flowers and leaves wafted in the air, which spread from the lukewarm breeze that blew through the town. Such pleasant weather brought out the residents out of their houses; Frank was out in search of butterflies to reasearch, Julie was out playing hopscotch with Sally, Barnaby was exchanging jokes with Howdy, Eddie was delivering his usual routes and Poppy was doing her usual baking.

Overall, like usual, everyone was enjoying themselves in the radiant sunshine.

....well... almost everyone was enjoying themselves.

"Oh dear..."

Normally, on a day like today, local painter, Wally would use a day like today for prime painting time, as the sun's light caught everything just right. He already had his canvas set up, with his art supplies out and ready for use. However, the canvas was not only blank, but the paints and brushes haven't even been touched, save for being set out. Even the stool he sat at was empty, as he stood a few paces away from it, his focus trained on something hanging overhead.

"Gosh darn it..." Wally muttered to himself, staring up at a plump, red delicious apple that hung on a sturdy branch several feet above him. For the past several minutes, he was struggling to get to the darn fruit, at first trying to reach it by standing on his stool, then tried to use a stick to dislodge it, and at some point even tried jumping on his stool to get it for himself.

Nothing worked.

The apple still hung there, swaying gently in the breeze almost tauntingly. He stared back at it, his usual smile strained in frustration, his hand brought up to his chin as he contemplated the high hanging fruit.


A dark shadow suddenly loomed over him, which didn't startle him, per-say, but it was sudden enough to snap him out of his deep thought. He curiously glanced over his shoulder and once he recognized the (color) pants and (color) shoes, he felt his frustration evaporate and replace itself with pure joy.

"(Name). What a pleasant surprise." He drawled in his usual placid voice, instinctively speedwalking up to you and hugging your shin. "Hiya, Neighbor. What brings you out here?" He asked, tilting his head back so he could look up at you.

You shrugged, getting onto one knee so he'd see your face better. "I was on my way to my usual sunning spot. I wanna warm up my wings." You replied, fluttering the (color) webbed wings on your back for emphasis.

"Sounds lovely." Wally's smile broadened slightly at the thought. He always loved how peaceful you looked when you sunned, with those magnificent, shiny wings of yours flared out. Oh, how he'd love to see them in action, but he's yet to see you take flight. He could only wonder how graceful you looked in the air. He had to remember to ask for a ride sometime. "...I wish I had wings."

You chuckled softly and gave him a friendly pat on the head, careful not to mess up his pompadour. "So! What brings you out here today, neighbor?"

Wally smiled peacefully. "Oh, you know me," Wally stepped off your leg, neatly lacing his hands behind his back and subtly rocking back and forth on his heels as he turned his head towards the side, towards his art set-up. "Just out doing some painting on such a vibrant day."

"Ah, I see." You smiled at the display, and turned back to him. "Well, what were you jumping for?"

Wally blinked. "Eh?"

"When I was walking by, I saw you were jumping on your stool here." You explained, matter-of-factly.

"You did?" Wally was a bit surprised, but tried not to show it. He swore that he was alone, with everyone back at the neighborhood doing their own things. He didn't even see you. How far away were you when he was doing that? He felt his face grow warm with modesty at the fact you managed to catch him in such a silly predicament. "I didn't think you could see that far."

You chuckled in response, pointing to your eyes. "I can see pretty far with these eyes."

"Oh I bet..." Wally murmured in response, his cheeks going from a vibrant orange to a vivid red as he locked his eyes with your brilliant slitted (color) eyes. He smiled broadly, tilting his head and smiling lazily.

"...I can see far into yours..."

You snickered softly at the comment, as you broke away from his gaze and idly looked up from the place he was hopping at and caught sight of the apple dangling on a sturdy branch just a few feet above him.

"Oh!" you let out lighthearted chuckle, reaching up and pulling an apple from its branch and held it in front of him. "Is this what you were trying to get?"

Wally stared at the offered apple for a moment, blinking a couple times. "I-I was." He affirmed somewhat awkwardly before silently taking the apple from your hand. "Thank you."

"No problem!" You placed a hand on his head. "If you need a hand with anything, don't hesitate to call me, okay?"

 "If you need a hand with anything, don't hesitate to call me, okay?"

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Wally silently nodded, his smile not wavering.

You nodded back and slowly rose to your feet. "Watch out for my tail." You warned as you turned around, making sure your tail didn't hit the little painter as you sauntered back towards your sunning spot, unaware of Wally watching your tail's snake-like movement in the grass.

Wally stared in your direction for a moment, before looking down at the apple in his hands, his smile wide and dopey at the fact you had held it. He held the apple to his chest, humming at a warm feeling in his cheeks.

He looked back to his art set up.

He found his inspiration for the day.

Sorry if it's not what you expected, but I had a bit of difficulty trying to capture Wally's personality.

Anyhow, this is a bit slowburn, but if any of yall have more scenarios/one-shots, the idea page is right below this one.

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