🏘 if you're feeling sad 😔

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Idea by: Bluelion32

Scenario: Reader is upset due to their self-consciousness about their height [and their dragon-like appearance to an extent.]

Note: Reader will mostly be laying on their belly.

🏠 He'll give you a sympathetic look, and try to attract Wally or any other neighbors to your location.

🏠 if no one's around or busy, He'll try to offer his best means of comfort, which is his usual onomatopoeia.

"Creeeak... squeak.. creeeek..."

🏠 you understood some of it, but not all of it.

🏠 If you're sitting close enough to his side, he'll try to "pat" your back with his window shutter.

🏠 wishes you were small enough so he could invite you in to wait for Wally.



🎨 he can't stand to see you upset. He'll notice your dimmed demeanor and ask you what's wrong.

🍎 He'd be very upset you didn't see your beauty the way he did.

"Oh neighbor. Don't you know that you're the absolute most to me?"

🎨 he'd try to make you feel better by painting your spikes or nails, or just a painting for you in general.

🍎 When none of which work/are denied, he'll reside to sitting beside you, if you're laying on your belly, he'll hug your cheek and reminds you that he "Loves you very much."

👁 will try to track down whomever made you feel this way to "talk" with them.


🦴 He'll somewhat sense you're feeling off, but if you're visibly saddened he'll ask you outright if you're okay.

🐶 He'll visibly wilt at how you upset you were as he couldn't bare the fact you felt so bad. He'll even take off his hat.

"Aw... s'ok kid... you know you could talk to your ol' blue buddy Barnaby if ya need to."

🦴 He'll try to lighten your mood with a few jokes from his stand-up acts or try to perform a few tricks for you if he had any props on hand.

🐶 if none of those really work, He'll lay his head on your lap. If your laying on your belly, he'll lay his head on your hand.

🦴 He'll either sit there with you and offer words of comfort or just remain silent until you're feeling better. Sometimes he'll even lick your cheek.


🪀 She'll notice it right away; she can detect the somber aura in your presence and lack of enthusiasm and ask you what's up.

🧸 Her cheery demeanor would lower almost instantly. Your feelings were very important to her.

"Aw... Don't worry, I'm here to help!"

🪀 seeing that you weren't up for physical games, she'd try games like "I spy" or find shapes in the clouds.

🧸 if you're laying on your belly, she'll sit beside your cheek, and idly trace shapes along your finger while having light-hearted chats with you

🪀 may doze off laying against your cheek, in which you'd also do.


🍪 Poppy can see it almost immediately, and would gently ask if you were feeling well.

🪶 Her heart would break for whatever bad feelings would plague you. Even if you were tall, she considered you to be her "child."

"Oh dear... is there anything I could do to make you feel better?"

🍪 she'll offer you something to eat, whether it be a baked pastry or anything you wanted in general.

🪶 if that is denied, she'll simply sit with you, either in silence or engages in lighthearted conversation, while knitting something.

🍪 sometimes, if she's feeling brave enough she'll perk herself onto her shoulder and preen your hair gently.


🦋 he'll notice you aren't your usual bright self, and even if he's apprehensive with you, he'll still approach you and ask if you're okay.

📚 He'll actually be incredibly sympathetic, as he really didn't know what someone through your mind.

"O-oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

🦋 he won't really know what to do, and he'll upright ask if you wanted to talk about it.

📚 when you do open up, he's a very good listener, not missing a single word you say, and is very careful with his responses.

🦋 after a while, it will become a lighthearted conversation about a random subject.


☀️ she knows an act when she sees one. She can see right through the "cheery facade" and will ask you upfront what ails you.

🎭 she'll have to keep from bursting into hysterics, as you were a paragon to her and for you to have such negative thoughts broke her spirit.

"Oh no... that simply won't do! Is there anything I can do to aid you?"

☀️ she'll try to keep her exaggerating to a minimum and try to offer you words of comfort.

🎭 If you're laying on your belly, she'll sit against your cheek, periodically doting over you and praising your existence.

☀️ her figurative and literal warmth might cause you to dose off with a smile on your face, to which she'll let herself dose off as well.


🐛 He'll see it in your posture, which was slightly slumped. When he got time to himself, he approached you and asked you if you were okay.

🛍 He felt terrible at how you felt. His inner older brother couldn't bare to hear such negative thoughts come from you.

"Ohh... Well... wait out here. I'm going on my break soon. Maybe we can talk about it."

🐛 true to his word, he did indeed spend his break with you talking with you, and offering words of comfort.

🛍 he sat on your shoulder, listening to you as you vented, while using all four of his hands to rub your hand best he can. [Optional if you have the appropriate hair type: he'll sometimes braid your hair.]

🐛 he'll offer you some of his stocks, and try to remain outside as much as possible to keep you company.


✉️ he'll see it in how you greet him; he knows a sad voice when he hears it. He'll ask you if you're feeling alright.

💌 he'll frown in sympathy, knowing how difficult it must be for one of your stature to deal with such negative feelings.

"Oh my. Don't worry. I'll always be here if you need me."

✉️ Once he's done with his usual routes, he'll notify everyone of your feelings via, you guessed it; mail!

💌 everyone almost immediately makes you letters, crafts and other various gifts, and he incorporated some of his own work into this.

✉️ once he delivers it to you, he'll sit with you and remind you on how much you mean to them, and that everyone's willing to help you.

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