🏘 Welcome Home in: Beach day pt 2⛱️

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Ideas by: wanted by most readers

Scenario: Second part to the first part.

Note: I know they're supposed to puppets, but for the sake of this part let's pretend they can swim without consequences-

"We have reached our destination!" You cheerfully announced, landing onto your hands and knees to keep the carrier leveled for your friends to stand. Using your tail, you unzipped the side of your bag, and lowered your wing down. "Land ho!"

"ME FIRST!!" Julie practically dove out of the pack, sliding down your wing on her belly, laughing joyously as she rolled onto the sand.

"Would you lot be careful?!" Frank called from the pack's side as he watched the Barnaby, Wally and Sally follow.

Wally and Sally slid down your wing on their backs while Barnaby barrel rolled down.

"Th-That's my line...!" Poppy mused nervously, Cautiously peeking out of the side of the pack.

Howdy easily walked his way down, assisting Poppy who seemed shaky with each step and lastly Eddie assisted in walking Frank down, as the latter clung to him like his life depended on it. After everyone was out, you took your pack off, as well as your satchel, and stretched your arms over your head

Now that he was on steady ground, Frank took a moment to look around the vast, sandy landscape. "Well... this place is awfully quiet."

"It's a secluded beach of my homeland," You replied, digging through your satchel in preparation to set up. "Pretty much no other halflings come here, other then me."

Julie gasped. "You have your own secret beach?!"

"Pretty much," You shrugged, spreading out your blanket. "I usually come here when I wanna think to myself. You guys are pretty much the only ones I've shown this to."

"What an honor." Wally remarked, feeling a flutter in his chest at the fact you trusted them this much.

"You guys earned it for being such good friends." You smiled, finishing up as you set out your radio and laid out on your belly, facing the ocean and putting on your sunglasses as you flared out your wings to full length. "Don't go out too far, okay? And let me know when you wanna swim. Go nuts."

"The great Keeper has spoken, folks!" Barnaby clapped once. "Let's get this beach day started!"

Everyone wasted no time in setting up their laying spots.

And as expected, pretty much most the neighbors used your blanket's edges as their laying spots. Howdy, Eddie and Frank set up their umbrellas at the edge of your blanket while Julie, Poppy, Wally, Barnaby and Sally used your wings as their 'umbrellas.' After getting themselves set up, they got to the beach fun.

Poppy, after applying a generous amount of sunscreen to her feathers, sat beneath your wing and started to read a book of recipes to herself, looking for pages of your favorite foods you've mentioned in the past.

Wally was beneath your other wing, sketching cartoon-ish doodles of you and his friends. Mostly you.

Frank and Eddie were sitting together beneath their umbrellas, reading a few books Frank had brought along, though they were mostly talking with each other, catching up on a few details and over all enjoying each other's company.

Julie, Howdy and Barnaby were playing a game of volleyball, or in their case, a game of "Don't let the ball touch the ground." Occasionally the ball would head in your direction, to which you'd simply blow it back to their direction or lightly bump it back with your finger.

Sally was busy with playwriting, as well as making home-movies with her camcorder; filming her friends as they played on the massive beach, and just filming the beautiful scenery as a whole. She also snuck a few candid photos of you with a camera she had also brought.

You simply watched as they had their fun, keeping your eyes focused on the three that were running around the beach, making sure they didn't get too close to the water.

~~~~[20 minutes later]~~~~~

"(Name)! (Nicknaaaame)!"

You were roused awake by the sound of Julie's cheery voice in front of you, and a light tapping on your nose. You open your eyes, to find none other than Julie tapping at your nose. Everyone else was gathered behind her, including Poppy, Frank, Eddie and Wally.

She and Sally had taken off their sundresses and now donned their swimwear; with Sally wearing a red bikini with and Julie wearing a salmon red one-piece suit. "We're ready to go swimming!"

"Alrighty." You smiled, and slowly got up, stretching your arms over your head and flaring your wings out briefly before falling onto all fours, lowering your wing to them. "All aboard!"

Julie, Sally, Barnaby and Wally all scrambled up your wing in a haste, stumbling over themselves to get to the top first.

"Please be careful!" Poppy exclaimed, once again having Howdy assist her up your wing while Frank and Eddie walked up, hand-in-hand.

After everyone was on your back, you shrugged your shoulders and raised your wings slightly to ensure they wouldn't fall off the sides. "Alrighty! Weigh anchor!"

You canter into the water, smiling as you heard everyone exclaim in surprise and elation as the cool water splashed up around them and onto them.

You swam out a short distance away from the shore, smoothly gliding through the water with the steady speed of a boat, occasionally looking back at your passengers to ensure everyone was on.

You come to rest on a sandbank, resting the upper half on the damp sand and your feet remaining in the water. "Drop anchor!"

You lower your wings down towards the water like a makeshift slide. "Let me know when you're ready to go back. Don't go too far off shore!"

At those words, Julie was the first to slide down your wing, splashing into the water with an excited squeal.

After which, she beckons her watching friends to join her. "Come on, the water's fine!"

Barnaby was next to slide down your wing, belly first like a penguin, splashing head first into the water, letting out a joyful guffaw at the refreshing feeling soaking into his fur.

Sally and Wally slid down next, Sally almost instantly playfully splashing Julie and Barnaby while Wally had to push his hair out of his face to see what was going on.

Poppy and Howdy chose to walk off your wing and sit down by the shoreline, to soak their feet while Frank and Eddie remained on your back for a short period of time before Eddie convinced him to slide down your wing with him.

From there, they splashed and played in the water, using you as a makeshift water park, sliding down your wing and swinging on your tail tip into the water.

It was a fun day.

Welcome Home, Keeper! [Welcome home x Human Kaiju Reader]Where stories live. Discover now