🏘 "Are you edible?" 🤤

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Headcanon: how would they react if you suddenly asked them out of the blue if they were edible?

Note: it's kinda worded differently for each neighbor; "How do you think you taste?" or "What flavor do you think you are?" or something in that nature.


🏠 Home: he'd give you an odd look and ask you if you were alright in his onomatopoeia.

One he realizes you're joking, he'd roll his eyes and puff out a plume of steam from his chimney as a way of sighing.

But you'd hear him try not to creak with amusement.

🍎 Wally: He'd look down at himself, even going so far to lightly nibble his hand, before looking back up at you and replying with. "I don't think so..."

You had to tell him you were joking, which is where he'll give his trademark monotonous laugh.

🦴 Barnaby: He knows a joke when he hears them. He'd play along and say something along the lines of, "put me in a bun with some ketchup and mustard and I will be!"

You both then proceed to ugly laugh, much to the annoyance of Frank.

🪀 Julie: She'd be confused at first, and answer slowly, "Uuuh, I don't think so...?" She'd be mildly unsettled, but gave you the benefit of the doubt.

When she realizes you were joking, she'd playfully pout and try to throw the joke back at you, but that would only make you laugh harder.

Then she'd start laughing.

🪶 Poppy: she'd freeze up and stare at you with an unnerved expression.

But when you affirm you were joking, she'd huff and get pouty with you, telling you not to mess around like that.

You'd apologize and give her puppy-eyes until she'd soften up.

🦋 Frank: He'd become panicky and ask "W-Wh-WHAT?" In an incredulous voice, while backing up.

When you reassure him that you were joking, he'd become upset and tell you not to do that to him.

He'd then be pouty for a long period of time, cursing Barnaby under his breath.

☀️ Sally: she'd give you a brief look. She sensed you were joking, so, she'd then answer confidently, "I wouldn't think so, eating a star like me would be too hot to handle."

You'd giggle at the response, which would make her heart flutter and she'd giggle herself.


🐛 Howdy: he'd think about what you said, then wince uncomfortably while answering, "maybe to frogs I am."

You'd feel slightly bad and assure him that you'd protect him from anything that may actually try to eat him.

He appreciates you very much. You got a free (candy) because of that.

💌 Eddie: He'd stop crafting, processing your question before looking up at you with a mildly uncomfortable expression asking, "E-Excuse me?" In a small voice.

You'd assure him he was joking, and he'd look at you with a cute play-pout, and return to his crafts.

When he heard you giggling to yourself, he rolled his eyes and smirked, knowing that he'll likely never get "Kaiju Humor."

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