🎨 Wally AUs react to you 🌌

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Idea by: shootingfox854726

Headcanons: Just what the title says. How other Wallys are around you.

Note: I'm only naming a few I can remember off the top of my head; tell me whom I've misses.

😠 Opposite:

"What the-?! What the heck are you!?"

😡 He wasn't exactly pleased to meet you to say the least. It's one thing to meet someone new, but to see a giant wasn't any better.

😡 He wasn't comfortable around you. He was also a bit skittish when speaking as he didn't want to "set you off."

😡 Privately complained to opposite Barnaby about the new "giant freak neighbor."

😡 Even when he's grown used to you, he's still not very pleasant to be around, due to how abrasive he is.

😡 Though he's quick to correct himself if you so much as snort in offense.

🌈 Rainbow factory:

"Holy mother of--"

🤖 Yeah, he near enough had a heart murmur when he saw you.

🤖 Upon seeing you were sentient, he settled down a bit, but he was still on edge.

🤖 He seemed interested in your kaiju features and thought about getting a blood sample or plucking a scale to study it.

🤖 He talks a lot about you to his peers, regarding you as an "interesting specimen" he stumbled upon.

🤖 He'd never say it, but he wonders what colors a kaiju would make.

❤️ lovesick:

"Oh... oh my... goodness...!~"

❤️‍🔥 He was taken aback, but he found you to he absolutely endearing.

❤️‍🔥 There was so much of you for him to love now!

❤️‍🔥 He was even more pleased to know you weren't affected by the 'lovesick' illness.

❤️‍🔥 really wants Home to let him out so he can be with you.

❤️‍🔥 Is currently planning ways to sneak out to be with you.

🎬 Actor:

"I.... uhh..."

🎥 He's seen a lot of things, but you aren't one of them.

🎥 he initially thought you were some massive puppet, until he actually felt your scales, and he nearly fainted.

🎥 He's a bit starstruck to be face to face with an actual kaiju, but he's also worried you might take his spotlight.

🎥 Naturally, he has you guest star in his show, and of course, the kids loved you.

🎥 He's not too much of a diva to you, due to the fear of setting you off. Plus, you come in handy when you unintentionally intimidate stagehands and directors, making them work more vigilantly and quickly.

🔪 Mob:


🔫 He's thought he's seen it all, but now he can officially say he's seen everything.

🔫 He's kinda put off by you, but considering you haven't leveled the city he's in, he convinced himself you were harmless.

🔫 He still tried to keep on your good-side and encouraged his friends to do the same.

🔫 He actually wanted you to join as well, knowing what power he'd have with you on his side.

🔫 Would want to take your eye as initiation, but can't fathom how to get your consent without getting squished.

📺 reboot:

"Oh... jeez..."

🙂 Really didn't know how to react to you at first.

🙂 He figured you were a new addition of some sort, and by technicalities, he was correct.

🙂 as much as he'd like to tease you for associating with OG Wally, he doesn't quite want to test your patience.

🙂 He'd be talking to the other reboots about you, often wanting you to "update your wardrobe" and wondered it kaijus even worried about wardrobe.

🙂 He seemed less arrogant around you and wouldn't taunt og Wally as much.


Course there's always room for other Wallys!

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