🏘 Welcome Home in: Birthday blunder pt. 1 🎂

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Idea by: angelina_starina

Scenario: Keeper reader's birthday rolled around without them saying anything.

Note: it's a one-shot/headcanon hybrid.

it's my birthday as I write this. ;) [May 9th]

It was a pretty normal week for everyone in the neighborhood of Home.

You came around to check on everyone like they normally did and hung out with their colorful friends.

You helped Wally with apple picking, and let him teach you how to sketch and paint people, including the ever difficult hands.

You joked around with Barnaby, as well as help him come up with a few new jokes.

You assisted Howdy with a big shipment of products and helped with repairing the roof of his store.

You rehearsed lines with Sally for a new play she was coming up with.

You even had a pleasant conversation about (favorite) butterflies with Frank.

Nothing truly out of the ordinary was going on.

...that is until one day while hanging out with Julie.

You were half-asleep as Julie played and climbed on you like she usually did when around you, using your tail like stairs and sliding down your smooth wings.

At some point she rolled down your wing, and she knocked into your satchel which was partially opened with some of its contents spilling out.

You didn't have much, just a sketchbook, a few crafts from Eddie, a (genre) book and a planner. Letting her curiosity get the better of her, she took a peek into your planner.

"Ooh! You remembered Barnaby's birthday is coming up!" She cheered, bouncing excitedly on her toes.

"Yeah... don't tell him, I'm gonna surprise him." You replied, voice rough with grogginess as you dosed in and out of consciousness in the sun's warmth.

Julie bounced up and down excitedly, clapping giddily. "Oh! When's your birthday? So we can celebrate it!"

You shrugged.

"It was yesterday." You stated plainly.

Julie stopped jumping, her cheerful expression falling into a look of horror.


"-WHAT!?!" Everyone exclaimed in disbelief and shock.

"That's what I said!" Julie replied, she clapped both her hands to her face in distress. "They said it was fine that we forgot because they don't even celebrate their birthday anymore!"

Barnaby blinked in astonishment. "Jeez... not celebrating your own birthday...?" He itched behind his head, feeling his heart sink in a strange sense of guilt and sadness at the idea. "That oughta be tough.

"That's dreadful." Wally remarked, frowning for the first time in a long while. Or ever, for that matter. But the idea of not celebrating such a special day is saddening as it is, but the fact it's you, their beloved keeper, they're talking about, it hurts him greatly. "...I should have asked them about it sooner."

"Oh dear, oh dear..." Poppy fretted, rubbing her wings together. She knew she should have asked you about it a few weeks in advance! Or maybe even a week after she's met you... either or, she feels terrible about missing such a special day. "Oh, why didn't they tell us??"

"Ohh, how could I have not known? I should have asked them about it!" Eddie was wringing his hands, fidgeting as if he were in trouble. How could he have let such a special day go by him like that??

Frank didn't know how to feel. Part of him somewhat expected you not to celebrate a birthday, but he still felt bad about not acknowledging it. He put his hand on Eddie's shoulder in comfort. "It's not your fault... I... wouldn't know why they wouldn't tell us to begin with."

Howdy, was looking at his feet in disappointment and sadness, his one arm rubbing the back of his head and his second set of arms crossed. How could he forget the birthday of his favorite store assistant?

"Oh!" Sally put a hand upto her forehead, in genuine distress. How could she possibly be so foolish as to forget such an important day of her paragon acting partner!? "It flew right over our heads! How could we!?"

Home just creaked sadly, his eyes cast to the ground.

"Fear not, neighbors!" Julie suddenly announced, catching everyone's attention. She had a determined expression on her visage, and a playful, if a little mischievous smirk was present on her face. "We may have missed their birthday... but who's to say we can't do a birth-week?"

"Birth-week?" Everyone questioned in unison, in which Julie cheerfully nodded. "Yup! But we're gonna have to do this right, and make it special so they remember it forever!"

Everyone exchanged looks with each other, smiling at the idea.

"Alright, kid." Barnaby smirked. What's our first move?"

Aaaand, now I must cut off here. >:3

Sorry, but I suspect next chapter may be lengthy.

See ya then. >:3

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