🏘 Welcome Home in: Birthday blunder pt. 2 🎂

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Idea by: majority of readers.

Scenario: The neighborhood comes together to celebrate keeper reader's b-day! Or B-Week.

Note: it's a one-shot/headcanon hybrid. [+ take a shot every time you see the word Kaiju >_>]

it's my birthday once again as I write this. ;) [May 9th]

"Just a bit further dear!"

You heard Poppy assure you as she continued to lead you onward, earning an uneasy chuckle from you.

You had no idea what was going on. You remembered that a few days beforehand, Wally had suddenly requested you come to the neighborhood in your 7 foot height, but didn't elaborate beyond that. It didn't seem odd to you, given that he wasn't much of a talker as it is. You chalked it up to him just wanting you to interact with him and his friends more properly, as well as get a better view of you for painting.

But as soon as you arrived to the grove, after greeting Poppy, she suddenly covered your eyes with a blindfold and lead you down the path leading to the neighborhood.

You knew you had no reason not to trust Poppy; she was the local worry-wart, she'd never put you in any danger, but you weren't exactly a fan of being blinded.

Finally, both both came to a stop and you felt her let go of your hand.

"Okay! Take off the blindfold!"

Slowly, you slid the blindfold off from your head, and with a couple blinks, you looked up.

Slowly, you slid the blindfold off from your head, and with a couple blinks, you looked up

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You gasped as Home blew a plume of colorful confetti out from his chimney, as the neighbors jumped up in cheerful greeting. The neighbors were in dragon-esc costumes save for Howdy and Frank who wore costumes that reminded you of a kaiju from your homeland, even Home having two party hats on his roof like little horns. In fact, many of the houses had kaiju themes to it, with colorful streamers, party tables and many yard toys set out.

"Happy birth-week, Keeper (Name)!" Julie cheered happily, running up to hug you as Howdy placed a glittery paper crown on your head. "We have come together and brought out our inner kaijus to make today super extra special!"

"G-Guys!" You of course returned the hug, but your mind was boggled at the sight. You weren't used to seeing such a vivid, lively sight. "W-What-"

"We ain't about to let a special day like today slip by us again, bud!" Barnaby chuckled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "We don't know how many birthdays we missed, but we're gonna make em' all up to ya, kaiju style!"

"We couldn't find much on Kaiju culture, there aren't anything but comic books on the matter." Frank stated, with a small sigh and shake of his head. "But hopefully the festivities we have planned will be Kaiju enough. Minus the destruction, that is."

Welcome Home, Keeper! [Welcome home x Human Kaiju Reader]Where stories live. Discover now