Chapter 12

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January 2nd. Classes started again tomorrow. The girls have been taking different times to hang out with me and try to make me feel better. 

Bree would bring me coffee and sit with me and try to get me to read or draw for a little which barely worked on making me feel better but it was a nice distraction and we would sit quietly while doing it. She didn't make me talk.

Scarlett would try to get me to leave the dorm. She tried to convince me to go shopping but I refused and then she tempted with book shopping which she hates but I didn't wanna leave my bed.

Venus would simply just try to get me to leave my room. She asked me to bake with her a couple times which I just wasn't in the mood for so Scarlett would bake with her. Then she would ask me to sit in the living room with her and play a boardgame, which I did once but halfway through the game I excused myself to go to bed.

And the worst part of it all was that the girls hadn't talked to the boys since that day. They hadn't gone to see them and the boys didn't dare show up to the dorm. I'm sure Nicholas told them what happened. But it wasn't fair that the girls had to suffer because I was but they wouldn't listen to me even if I told them to go see the boys and I think they don't know that I know they haven't seen them. So I didn't say anything.

Right now I was sitting in bed reading with Bree next to me reading her book. On the side table there was a cup of tea and some food she'd brought hoping to get me to eat. I won't lie I have gotten a lot skinner over the past week maybe. I've lost my count of days at this point. I've only ate something a couple of times but even that took a lot more effort than it should've. It was almost ten o'clock at night so it was getting late and Bree left shortly after. I tried to sleep but it was difficult knowing that tomorrow I would have to see him in my classes. 


I woke up early and took a quick shower. I did not have the energy for today. I didn't bother with my makeup or straightening my hair and just grabbed some leggings and a sweater to wear, before grabbing my bag and walking out my bedroom. Scarlett and Venus were already ready... "This early". Was I going crazy? I brushed it off and we left for breakfast. "Rory we can just skip if you don't wanna risk seeing him." Scarlett said. "I'll have to see him in class anyways, at least now I'll get used to it." I said and she nodded before we walked into the hall. It was full of kids sitting, eating, laughing. The normal. We got on line so the girls could grab breakfast and so I could grab an apple. Probably the only thing I'm gonna eat today anyways so...

We went and sat down in a corner area away from the big tables today. Walking in through the back entrance was of course the only people I wished not to see today. In walked Jack followed by Will followed by... "Hey..." Jack said. "What are you boys doing here?" Scarlett asked. "We thought coming in this way would be safer... She does not look good." Jack continued and finished talking about me. "Gee no shit sherlock." Venus said. I got up and walked past the boys and out of the hall. I leaned against the wall to catch my breath but Scarlett and Venus came out soon after. 

"Sis we didn't know." Venus said. "This whole avoiding each-other thing isn't going to work is it?" They both shook their heads. "But you'll be graduating soon." Scarlett said. "Then you won't have to see him again." She finished. I know that was supposed to make me feel better but it didn't. The bell for breakfast being over rung and I walked them to their class before walking to mine. When class had started there was only one empty seat. That seat had remained empty for the rest of class as well as the other classes me and him shared... 

Later that day I ran into someone while I was out buying a book for class. Only reason I agreed to come with Bree might I add. "I'm so sorry." I said. "Don't worry about it dear." I looked up and saw Nicholas's mother. "Rory!" She said excited. "Hi Mrs. Rossi." I said. "Well funny seeing you here, Nicholas is just about to meet me." She said. Still with that exciting tone. He hasn't told her. "Well very funny. I'm here with my friend getting a book for class." I said pointing to Bree at the cafe. "You two must join me and Nicholas. He told me he had news to share." She said. "Oh well..." The door opened with the little bell ringing and Nicholas walked in and up to us. 

"Mom... what are you doing here?" He asked me. Bree walked up. "We're getting a book for class." She said. "She couldn't answer that?" His mom asked. "She could've but hey Nicholas didn't wanna answer her before he walked out so why should she have to answer him." I hit her arm. "What is she talking about?" His mom asked. "Oh I'm sorry Mrs.Rossi, I guess you didn't know." She said. "I really thought he would've told you by now." She said.

I looked down as she looked at me and then Nicholas. "Are you two no longer together?" She asked. "Mom why do you think I called you here?" He asked. "I thought you were coming to tell me she said yes." She said. I looked up. "Yes to what?" Bree asked. "To him asking her to move in with him after graduation." She gave a confused look to Nicholas. "You did say you were going to ask her right?"

"I never got the chance too." He said. "Oh dear..." She said and looked at me. I was trying so hard not to cry and I need her to not break me right now. "Did you know?" Bree asked. I looked at her and shook my head. "We should go." Bree said. "Mrs.Rossi." I said before walking past her and following Bree out the door.

Nicholas's POV

"Nicholas..." My mother said after they walked out the door and disappeared from eyes view of the store window. "We got into a fight before I got the chance to ask her and then when I was walking out she told me if I did then it was over but I couldn't turn around and face her so I left." I said softly. "Nicco." She hugged me. "You should tell her you love her." She said pulling away from  the hug. "What?"

"Nicholas come on. I'm your mother not Jack or Will. I see the way you look at her and from how you've talked about her and teased her you clearly love her. And she deserves to know that much. Who knows it might change her mind." She said. "I doubt it will." I said. "Either way, she deserves to know how you feel and it might give closure to find out how you both feel.

Rory's POV

Bree took me home and stayed to explain the situation to the girls while I went to bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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