Part 1

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I walk into the fire house to start my first day.
I find captain Bobby nash. He gives me my uniform and I go get changed.
After I walk out and see them in them in the kitchen setting the table.
There was hen and a man and then captain.
"Please y/n come join us" he yells my way.
I walk into the kitchen and sit down with them
"This is our new member y/n. Y/n this is" he was cut off  "oh I know who this is. Amazing paramedic" she smiles at me  I hug her "it's nice to see you again hen" I smile "everyone calls me chimney" the other guys says and smiles
We sit down and was about to eat "so y/n where do you come from?" Chimney ask "Im from here. I was a paramedic and firefighter at another station about a year ago. Then I had to take a break and now I'm here and I'm so thankful for this opportunity" I laugh
Then the bay doors open up and a fire truck backs up.
I watched as a guy gets out of the drivers seat and shuts the door and walks up the stairs to us.
He sticks his fingers in the spaghetti
"Eww wash your hands" hen says "what if we had a call" Bobby ask "I was just out getting it washed" the guy says "did they cost you extra for the full detail" chimney says
"Listen I like you. Your a good firefighter. You call me pops. We went to a Springsteen concert together. This is a family not a clubhouse" Bobby continue talking but I stopped listening because it wasn't my business

then bobby sat down "you know your not helping by going easy on him" chimney says.

the guy comes over and looks at me.

then the alarm bell sound. i take a bite of my bread as we all get up and head to the truck. i hope in the ambulance with hen and we head out to the scene.


we get there and get out  I grab my bag

i go behind the guy who i've yet to learn his name and hear him say something to a guy standing beside him.

"she's just a pretty face i bet she'll never make it" he says. And they laugh

hen  looks at me because she heard it to "just ignore him" she whispers . "where we headed?" the guy ask. "4th floor" bobby says as we enter the building and go up the stairs.

we to the room and the guy says he heard a baby crying but we heard nothing. so we stand around then i heard it "did you hear that?" i ask.

they look at me.

"could be a rat." chimney says. "but if its a baby premature babies bones are like sponges they can fit" i say.

"yea y/n's right" bobby says. and begins taping on the wall. then the guy tries to take a axe through the wall and bobby stops him "buck. did you every think that youd hit a baby go get the saw"


i ran down and got the ambulance ready to leave whenever they got down here.

soon was joined by hen.

then i saw buck running down the stairs. "be careful buck" hen says. he hops in the ambulance and the i saw a guy holding a girl "is that the mom nah forget her" buck says holding the baby. then everyone else joins us. "whats happening" bobby says "we've got to go" i say. "he refuses to take her" the cop says. bobby gets her and steps inside as i shut the door and hop in the passenger seat of the ambulance as we speed to the hospital
After we return back to the firehouse we again join the other boys. I go to the kitchen and grab a drink and sit back down at the table. Everyone else joins me and heats up food so we can continue where we left off before the call.

I sat down beside hen and I didn't speak "I don't think we've met officially I'm buck" buck says "y/n" I say not even looking at him. I hear him scoff
"You always this quiet?" Chim ask  "at first y/n was super quiet when I met Her" hen says "wait you two have a past?" Buck ask
I nod as I put food in my plate
"Yea we've known each other for a good 4 years now" I take a bite of my food "did yall used to save people's life's together and shit?" Chim ask "we did for about 2 years before She left and then I came here and now here we are again" hen says I laugh

We continue talking and eating
Then hen and buck fight over the video games I help Bobby clean up and stuff.
As it got later in the day I was talking with chimney when the lovely bell goes on I look at hen and we rush down the stairs and I hope in the driver side of the ambulance and she gets in the passenger seat as we head to the address of the emergency

We get out and rush in.  As we walked in we see a big snake climbing on a tree and a couple in cages
"oh my god I can't do Snakes they scare the crap out of me" chimney says me and hen laugh at him then chimney tells us how some money traumatized him "what movie? Dude as far as I'm concerned the the world began the day that I was born" buck says "of course it did" I scoff he gives me a weird look
"Guys in here" Bobby grabs our attention.
We Join him in a bedroom where a snake was wrapped around a girls neck "oh my god" I say looking at her.
The call ended by buck chopping off the snakes
Head. "Why is that always the option for you macho white boy tough guys?"hen ask
Buck helps the snake off
The girl "Spartacus" she says "yea well it was him or you and in a situation like that I always choose to save the more attractive one" buck says crouched down at her "I'm out of here. I'm not gonna stand around and watch two idiots flirt" I say and begin walking out of the building to the ambulance where I wait on everyone else 
Soon joined by hen we follow the fire truck back to the firehouse.
As it got darker out I decided to make a phone call
I walk away from everyone and head to the bunks.  the phone rings. And rings. "Hey y/n" "hi" I say feeling relieved she answered "am I bothering you?" I ask "no I'm just getting the kids ready for bed" she says "I just wanted to call and check on-" "y/n she it's fine. I promise she in there watching a movie with the boys" she cuts me off "okay I just wanted to make sure" "I know you did but I promise she's fine. I'm not going to let anything happen to her" my sister says
Then buck walks in "oh hey listen I got to go. If you need me call me and thank you again I really appreciate it I love you" I say and hang up quickly
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your phone call" he says "no your ok it was over anyways" I say. I lay my phone down on one of the beds and I take my shoes off  and radio and lay down. And try to get comfy

Buck turns the light off and I guess he does the same? I pull the covers over me and my eyes
Get heavy and I try to sleep as much as I could.

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