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2nd pov

❝ Shit shit shit shit shit", you cursed as you ran through the woods. You zigzagged around trees the best you can to avoid your chaser who flew high above.

Earlier you were patrolling the woods along with another low level demon slayer. The two of you came across a demon hiding. On instinct you attacked sobbing demon severing it's head in one swing only for the head to grow another body. The headless body sprouted a head soon after and took off after the guy you got stuck with.

"I LOVE IT WHEN THEY RUN", the demon chasing that possess upper rank four eyed bird demon exclaimed from high above as it flew after you.

Sucking a breath in. The demon opened it mouth wide as he can.

A demonic air sucking in scream came from it causing you to turn your head to look up at the demon int he sky. His eyes widen in delight seeing your fearful face. A glowing yellow lighting ball was forming in his mouth. You began to run faster.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT", you cursed more tears forming at the corner of your eyes. The demon shot the lighting right at you. The lighting ball tore through the air heading your way. Once it was close you jumped forward in hopes of dodging.

When the ball burst it created a Sonic wave. The light blinds you then the air shoved up against your back. It shot you forward farther than you expecting it too. Your ear blew out momentarily.

You went flying through the air flipping until your back connected with a tree stump. landing upside down you slide down against the tree your head hitting the ground hard underneath you. Releasing a pained grunt you followed on to your side sitting on your knees. You rubbed the top of your scalp. You hissed feeling you accidentally applied pressure on a would that was forming. bringing your fingers down you tangle them in with your loss to scratch at a spot of your head.

A cackle gained your attention.

You looking forward you saw the flying demon lowered itself to the ground. He flew right towards you like a launched arrow. Its bird like hands were held out in front of him ready to tear into your skin.

"SAY GOODNIGHT HUMAN", he cackled his tongue lolling out of his mouth showing off the symbol of joy.

Your eyes went wide and you went to grab your weapon. Looking around you spot your weapon that as at least 80 feet away from you.

"Fuck I can't grab it", you thought. Looking back forward the demon was getting closer. "Shit shit shit shit shit", you cried looking around for some kind of weapon or something to distract him with. That's when an idea popped in your head. Swallowing your spit you claps your hands together. You closed your eyes making the tears run down your cheeks.

"Forgive me mother father auntie, grandma", you whimpered in a pray to them above or below; Grandma was definitely down there. You then reopened your eyes.

The demon was now seventeen feet away from you. In another three seconds he would descend upon you you acted fast.

Grabbing the front of your demon slayer uniform you ripped it open.  You held the sides open wide as you can and jumped to your feet.

You flashed the demon.


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