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The upper moon immediately shot downward now landing on the ground in front of you. His bird-like legs crouched like a usual bird sitting on a branch.

"You showed me your tits to save yourself!", he laughed throwing his head back. He placed his bird-like hands on his stomach as he laughed at you. Tears were forming at the corner of his eyes.

You remained in place, not sure if you should run now or until after whatever happens next. He released a sigh once his hysterical laughter passed. He leaned forward getting up in my face making you lean back. His brown messy hair launched forward along with his quick movements. His eyes were filled with the look of overwhelming joy.

"Hey so does that", he hinted tilting his head at me.

"I-If you let me go", I answered.

"Mhm! Sure", he quickly replied, probably lying. "Now c'mere", he chuckled grabbing you and pressing up against you.

His lips ascended onto yours quickly. His tatted tongue swiped against your bottom lip. You forced yourself to open your mouth inviting him in. Releasing a groan he began circling his tongue inside of your mouth. His tongue rubbed up against your walls and tongue that desperately tried to hide from his.

Adjusting himself, the joyful demon moved your body up to make you sit on his pelvis area. You separated your legs to get in a better position on top of him.

You allowed him to explore your mouth not making any move to kiss him back.The joyful demon uses his hands to pull the front of your uniform open. He grabbed a hold of your boob making you jump.

"It would make me so happy if you kissed back", he said breaking the kiss momentarily. "Let's have a delightful time before you die okay!".

"You-". He reconnected your lips shutting you up. His hands gripped your hips tightly keeping you planted on top of him. You knew if you wanted to escape you had to distract him long enough to grab a weapon, or at least run away.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and began kissing him back. The joyful demon released a squeal of delight bucking his hips up against you. You released a groan tilting your head to make the kiss deeper. You rolled your hips on top of him looking for some form of ministration against your pussy.

After a while of kissing you felt something emerge from under his furs. The hot object pressed up in between your legs. The way he was whimpering and groaning answer your question as to what it was. Breaking the kiss he went for your neck. You tensed up in fear thinking he was going to rip your throat out.

He grabbed a piece of your skin and began sucking on it trying to form a mark. You whimpered at the feeling. The short rush of adrenaline made your body more sensitive. The joyful demon grabbed your sleeve yanking on it. The fabric ripped due to his straight revealing half of your upper left body.

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