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"You're just saying that so I won't kill you". The demon glared down at you. His nails scratched at his cheek gnawing at the sickly skin.

"It's perfect I swear", you replied.

"Then choke on it", he groaned grabbing the back of your head. Making you press your face up against his groin, he rubbed himself against your cheek, the grotesque smell entered your nose forcing you to stop yourself from cringing. Was this guy insecure or a creep, which is it?

Pulling your head back slightly, you wrapped your hand around the base of it. A small groan rumbled inside his chest as you slowly began to pump. Moving back and forth, you only went midway around his girth. Angling him upward a bit you slowly took him into your mouth. The feeling of your lips around his tip made a small whimper escape from his throat. Placing the back of his hand against his lips he gnawed down on the thin flesh nearly tearing it from the bone.

Encircling your hands around his legs under the back of his bent knees, you lift yourself still remaining on your knees. Your legs remained flat against the straw floor keeping yourself steady. Swirling your tongue around the sickly red head you took him further down your throat you began to bob your head. The heavy feeling of him on your tongue and the way he was nearly hitting the back of your throat made a small heartbeat pulse in your cl*t.

"Nngh shit~", the demon whimpered his left hand gripping the top of your head, his long fingers covering your entire scalp his fingertips nearly reaching your cheekbones. His hips rocked meeting you halfway every time you took back into your mouth. The light made the salvia and slick glisten along the light grey skin of his base.

The slow pace soon intensifies his hips nearly bucking against your face making your nose scrunch a bit every time he stuffed all of himself snuggly down your throat. Moving his hand from his lips it held onto your head along with his other hand.  A twisted smile grew on his face when hearing you release a gag when he touched the back of your throat faster than you expected it to.

"Is my d*ck really that disgusting?", he groaned. "Here I'll help you", he smirked reaching pinching your nose together cutting off your air supply. Releasing a choked groan and gags your nails sunk deeper into his skin as you started to choke.. His cackling filled the air along with the noise of him rearranging your throat and his b*lls slapping your chin with every collision.

The world started to blur and dark spots started to enter the corners of your vision. Before you could pass out he shoved his pelvis impossibly close to your face. With a twitch, he shot spurts down your throat. The sour and stingy taste entered your senses as he filled your mouth. A sigh escaped from him, his head hung low watching some of it spill from the corner of your lips.

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